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Shara was a name with only a brief period of popularity, yet it has a meaning that has withstood the test of time. An easy-to-pronounce name that can stand out from the crowd, it can be a good choice for parents looking to call their child something unique. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Shara:

Shara is a name of Hebrew origin that is generally translated as “princess”. The name is derived from the Hebrew names Saráy and Sarai; through this origin, it is connected to the much more popular Sarah. The name can also mean “a fertile plain”.

Symbolism of the Name Shara:

Shara tends to symbolize the immense amount of value that a family puts into the life of a daughter.

Nicknames for the Name Shara:

Shara is a fantastic choice! Whenever you're considering a name, you should think about the nicknames that are derived from it. We've taken the hard work out of it for you by putting together a list of the best options for Shara nicknames:

  • Sha
  • Sharie
  • Ra
  • Ara
  • Ari
  • Hara
  • Har
  • Hars
  • Ars
  • Shas
  • Ra-Ra
  • Shars
  • Princess 

Style of the Name Shara:


Gender of the Name Shara:

Shara is almost exclusively used as a name for female children.

Pronunciation of the Name Shara:


Number of Syllables in the Name Shara:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Shara:

Shara tends to evoke both emotions of respect and emotions related to nostalgia.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Shara:

  • Sharah
  • Shahrah
  • Shahra

Popularity of the Name Shara:

According to the Social Security Administration, Shara last ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States in 1986 as the 1,000th most popular name for baby girls. It peaked in popularity in 1979 as the 719th most popular name for baby girls. The name has not seen any time on the top 1,000 list in the 21st century.

Great Middle Names for Shara and Their Meanings:

  • Adiela (ornament of God)
  • Behira (light, clear)
  • Chana (grace)
  • Dorit (this era)
  • Efrat (honored)
  • Ganit (garden)
  • Irit (daffodil)
  • Judith (praise)

Famous People with the Name Shara:

  • Shara L. Aranoff (American politician)
  • Shara Hughes (American painter)
  • Shara Nova (American singer-songwriter)
  • Shara Bey (character from Star Wars: Shattered Empire)
  • Shara (character from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance)
  • Shara (character from Tangledeep)
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