

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names


Boy Names That Mean Rose

Boy Names That Mean Rose

Boy Names That Mean Rose

While roses typically conjure more feminine images, these flowers are both delicate AND strong. Explore this list of boy names that mean rose and find a strong and hearty name for your son that gives a nod to this wildly popular flower.

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03/03/2025 07:15 am GMT

RELATED: More Baby Names That Mean Rose

  • Abulward From the Arabic language, Abulward means ‘the father of flowers or roses.' It is primarily given to boys of the Islam religion.
  • Ambrose Ambrose is a masculine name of Latin origin. Although it means immortal, its suffix fits with the rose theme.
  • AnthonyThe Latin name Anthony dates back to the 17th century. It was taken from the Greek word anthos, which describes a rose or flower. This masculine moniker is popular in multiple countries from Italy to the United States.
  • Awrad Awrad is a male name with Arabic roots. It means rose-colored or rosy. ‘It also refers to a person with youthful-looking skin.'
  • Gulbaugh Gulbaugh is an Indian boy's name. It is defined as a ‘rose garden.'
  • Gulshanjeet Gulshanjeet is of Indian, Punjabi, and Sikh heritage. The moniker means ‘victory of the rose garden.'
  • JaredJared is a Hebrew boy's name with multiple meanings, including ruling, commanding, or rose. Variant spellings include Jarred and Jarod.
  • Li-Wei The moniker Li-Wei is a masculine Chinese name that translates to ‘beautiful rose.' Several famous people bore the name Li-Wei, including the chief minister of the Tang Dynasty, a computer scientist, an actor, and a speed skater.
  • Nasier Nasier is an Indian boy's name meaning rose. It is also Arabic for the word winner.
  • Navrose The name Navrose is a masculine boy's name. It is a Punjabi moniker that translates to ‘new rose.'
  • Penrose The name Penrose has nothing to do with the meaning of a flower. But like other masculine names with the suffix rose, it fits well with the rose theme.
  • Raushan Raushan is a Bengali name. The boy's name means represents a rose.
  • Raysel Raysel is a fitting name for a little boy. The moniker originated from Israel and means rose.
  • RhodesRhodes is a Greek name that means ‘field of roses.' This male moniker is spelled in a number of ways, including Roades and Roades.
  • Risay From Arabic, the name Risay means ‘one who is beloved.’ The male moniker also describes a ‘black rose.'
  • Rodas The name Rodas is a Spanish moniker. It is a masculine name that translates to ‘where the roses grow.'
  • RooseveltThe moniker Roosevelt comes from the Dutch language. It is also the surname of the progressive president, Theodore Roosevelt. During his time in office, many parents in the African-American community gave this moniker to their baby boys.
  • Rosar Rosar is a unique Icelandic boy's name. It is comprised of two words: rose and army.
  • Rosalio The name Rosalio is a masculine name that means ‘a man of roses.' It is of Spanish origin.
  • Roseo- is the masculine version of the name Rose. The moniker is of Italian and Spanish origin and pronounced ro-SAY-o.
  • Roswell The name Roswell has roots in the English and German languages. It means ‘springtime of roses' and is also spelled Rosswell and Roswel.
  • Rosewood Rosewood is a charming masculine name. The moniker comes from the English surname.
  • Ross- is a Scottish name that refers to a ‘person with red hair.' It also translates to rose.
  • Trenay Trenay is a Macedonian boy's name. It means ‘sweet briar or a ‘bunch of wild roses.'
  • Vardan Derived from the Armenian word vard, the name Vardan conveys a ‘giver of roses'. It is a variant of the name Vartan.

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