

Quick and Easy Dinner Recipes




This is an Incredible Popover Pizza Casserole Recipe

popver pizza casserole

This is an Incredible Popover Pizza Casserole Recipe

In today’s day and age, very few people actually have the necessary amount of time in their busy days to spend a thorough amount of time cooking a meal that the whole family will love. Either some meals take too long to prepare and cook or they are made quickly, but the taste is not desirable.

For these people who are racing through the day and making sure every member of the family is where they need to be at all times, the answer is the popover pizza casserole. It is a unique dish that can make taste buds explode with pleasure, but does not break the bank or the clock for the people in charge of cooking meals.

Pizza Casserole Recipe

By the very nature of casseroles, you can experiment with all sorts of different tastes and ingredients. They are meals that are comprised of multiple ingredients, congealed into a delicious symphony of flavors. But these flavors can be interchanged, thanks to the versatility of casseroles and pasta. This particular recipe calls for the nature of a popover to be topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and ground beef. However, you can obviously add pasta into this mix by turning the casserole from one that is basic with its pasta into one that becomes overpowered by the texture of the popover and the minimalist flavors of pizza.

While this particular casserole keeps the pizza elements simple by focusing on the sauce, cheese, and meat, you can obviously engage in more of a dalliance with the pizza casserole recipe by mixing in some of your favorite pizza toppings. From onions and peppers to different flavors of cheeses and different types of meat, you can turn the popover pizza casserole into a casserole that most closely resembles your favorite sort of pizza to order. It will be all the great flavors of top-tier pizzas with all the lovely textures of a flaky, delicious popover!

Additionally, it takes less than half an hour to cook this meal and, with only two primary dishes being used in its preparation, washing the dishes will take even less time than that! It is a perfect meal for families who want to try something new without devoting their entire nights to it.

Pizza Pasta Casserole

When cooking and preparing a pizza pasta casserole, you are, when you think about it, blending two of the most quintessentially Italian-American dishes. Pasta, of course, is very popular and because of its plain texture can be used as a springboard for all sorts of extravagantly delicious and scrumptious culinary creations. By combining it with the accessibility and tastiness of pizza-based flavors, you are creating a casserole that is meant to be savored and enjoyed by the whole family. Who doesn’t like pasta? Who doesn’t like pizza? Who doesn’t like when they are combined together into one tasty casserole?

What sets this particular pizza pasta casserole apart from other dishes that might seek to harness the powers and flavors of both Italian-American foods is its nature as a popover-type meal. Popovers are delicious pastry-esque concoctions made of milk, flour, and eggs that create an airy, flaky taste. This obviously pairs very well with the flavors of pizza and pasta (both toppings and the grains of the noodles themselves) and it makes for a one-of-a-kind eating experience.

By combining three very different meals that share similarities in their base tastes, you are creating a meal that will taste different (but delicious) with every bite. You never know which combination of tastes you will get! All in all, though, despite the wide variety of tastes in the pizza pasta casserole, the one thing that is not wide and lengthy is the amount of time it takes to make the meal. For such a delicious, next-level meal, the preparation is a breeze for a busy lifestyle.

Prepare This Recipe With Your Kids

Cooking doesn't always have to fall on mom or dad's shoulders alone! By having your kids give you a helping hand, you can lift some of the weight off of yourself. The idea of having your kids help you cook may seem like a bad idea; after all, won't it just inevitably turn into a disaster?

Quick hands and clumsy feet do not make a great mix. Often, they can create problematic or even dangerous situations in the kitchen. If your kids are old enough to cook, however, you should give them a chance! They'll enjoy being able to spend time with you in the kitchen.

Kids often appreciate food more when it's something they prepared themselves. By having them give you assistance in the kitchen, you'll give them a reason to be excited for dinner. You likely won't have an issue generating interest in this recipe, but your kids will find their own way to be even more excited about it than if they weren't helping make it.

Make sure to reiterate and strictly enforce safety rules. The kitchen is no place for tomfoolery or foolish actions. Your kids should be aware that they need to exercise caution at all times around hot and sharp objects. This is especially the case with young kids. With a little careful execution, your kids can help you make this wonderful recipe!

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popver pizza casserole

Popover Pizza Casserole

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  • Author: Moms Who Think
  • Total Time: 45 minutes


Units Scale
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 2 cups pizza sauce
  • 1 package (12 ounces) Mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 large eggs


1. Preheat oven to 425°F. In medium skillet, lightly brown ground beef; drain off fat.

2. Add pizza sauce and bring to a boil.

3. Lower heat and cook 2 to 3 minutes.

4. Pour into sprayed 13″x9″ inch baking pan.

5. Sprinkle cheese over top.

6. Combine flour, milk and eggs; mix well.

7. Pour over cheese.

8. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until heated through.

  • Prep Time: 15 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 Minutes
  • Category: Main Course
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American
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