As the largest city in Oklahoma, Oklahoma City has a diverse educational system. Although there are numerous highly rated schools in the city, there are also many schools where students are struggling to keep up. Overall, the public school system in Oklahoma has ranked pretty low in recent years. Factors such as class size and instructor credentials were considered for this ranking, but some of the worst schools in Oklahoma City are poorly rated due to student performance and academic progress.
Students at many Oklahoma City schools are struggling with proficiency in core subjects and making little academic progress from year to year. The worst schools in Oklahoma City made the list based on their test scores, rating of college readiness, and graduation rates.
No matter what school you choose for your child, there are many factors to consider to determine where your child will learn best. Keep reading to find out about some of the lowest-ranking schools in Oklahoma City.

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Cesar Chavez Elementary School
600 Southeast Grand Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK, 73129
Cesar Chavez Elementary School is a public school in Oklahoma City that serves 834 students in grades PK-4. Part of this school's mission is to transform students' lives through equitable learning experiences. The staff accomplishes this by nurturing meaningful relationships with students and helping them have a growth mindset. Their core values also include collaboration, dedication, and mutual accountability.
When compared to other schools in the state, Cesar Chavez Elementary School scores low on test scores, academic progress, and equity. While science is the strongest subject among the student population, only 13% of students are proficient. Also, 5% of students are proficient in reading and 4% are proficient in math. Both reading and math are essential to the success of students throughout their education.
John Glenn Elementary School
6501 S Land Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73159
John Glenn Elementary School in Oklahoma City serves 571 students in grades PK-4. This public school has a vision of preparing all students for success in an ever-changing world. Additionally, the mission of the school district is to provide quality education for all students through a culture of integrity, unity, and reflection.
When it comes to test scores and student progress, John Glenn Elementary falls far below the state average. Only 6% of students are proficient in reading and 5% are proficient in math. Students are also making low progress from year to year, which leads to them falling even farther behind.
Thelma R. Parks Elementary School
1501 NE 30th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Thelma R. Parks Elementary School is a public school with 253 students in grades PK-4. Established in 1997, Thelma R. Parks Elementary is a part of Oklahoma City Public Schools. They offer numerous academic programs such as a STEAM program and Raising a Reader to help with literacy skills.
The test scores at Thelma R. Parks Elementary School show they’re falling behind other schools in the area. A low number of students are showing proficiency in essential subjects like math, reading, and science. At Parks Elementary, only 5% of students are proficient in reading, 3% are proficient in math, and less than 1% are proficient in science.
Webster Middle School
6708 S Santa Fe Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139
Webster Middle School is a public school in Oklahoma City Public School District. Part of the mission of Webster Middle School is to help students develop a passion for learning and create meaningful connections within the diverse school community. They achieve this by providing students with access to an equitable education.
The students at Webster Middle School are displaying low test scores in all of the core subjects. Only 10% of students are proficient in science, which is below the state average of 35%. Only 8% of students are proficient in reading and 7% are proficient in math. They also have low participation in advanced courses like Algebra 1. Although the students who do take Algebra 1 have a high pass rate, only 18% of students at Webster Middle School take this course.
John Marshall Middle School
2401 NW 115th Terrace, Oklahoma City, OK 73120
John Marshall Middle School is a public school in Oklahoma City with 211 students in grades 5-8. The vision of this school is for every student to graduate with the aim of fulfilling their unique purpose in life. They accomplish this by providing students with equitable access to education and they invite the families and community to engage in the learning process.
When it comes to preparing students for high school and beyond, the test scores at John Marshall Middle School display that students aren’t making significant progress from year to year. Only 12% of students are proficient in science, which is the strongest subject for students at this school. 6% of students are proficient in reading and 2% are proficient in math.

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U.S. Grant High School
5016 S Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73119
U.S. Grant High School is a public school in Oklahoma City with 1,886 students. One of their core beliefs is that all students should have access to quality education and they aim to provide students with a safe place to learn and develop real-world skills. Additionally, part of their mission is to inspire students to succeed through the use of academics, arts, and culture.
While they have a strong mission and vision, many students are struggling academically at U.S. Grant High School. When it comes to student test scores, less than 10% of all students are proficient in reading, math, and science. The lowest subject is science with only 4% of students displaying proficiency. Even though the graduation rate is 80%, less than 50% of students are planning on pursuing a higher education or vocational program after high school.
Douglass High School
900 N Martin Luther King Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Douglass High School is a public school in Oklahoma City that the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reported to have 479 students for the 2021-2022 school year. The mission of this school is to help students increase their academic achievement and prepare them for success in college or a future career. They also aim to provide students with a safe and rigorous learning environment that includes standards-based instructional practices.
Even though Douglass High School has several strong pillars in its vision, many students at this school are falling behind. GreatSchools and SchoolSparrow have both given this school a failing grade of 1/10 overall.
2018-2019 graduation rate had only 59% receiving their diplomas. Unfortunately, the students who are graduating aren’t necessarily prepared for future success. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education via GreatSchools reported that the 2020 average ACT score for Douglass High School came in far below average at 15. As of 2021, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education showed only 32% of students went on to pursue in-state college or vocational programs.
Besides college readiness, Douglass Highschool has been having challenges keeping its student body up to standards for general education. GreatSchools reported via a 2019 report from the Oklahoma State Department of Education that students were only 1% proficient in math, 7% proficient in reading, and 6% proficient in science.
Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City
900 N. Portland Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Oklahoma State University Oklahoma City is a public university in Oklahoma City. This public school is one branch of Oklahoma State University which has a main campus in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Oklahoma State University has an open admission policy, which means any student who has a high school diploma or GED can enroll.
Out of all the colleges in Oklahoma, this university has the lowest graduation rate. Only 5.7% of students at the Oklahoma City branch graduate from college. Additionally, the average salary for alumni ten years after graduating is only $37,800.
Finding the Best School in Oklahoma City
Whether you’re currently located in Oklahoma City or considering moving there, choosing the right school can be a tough decision. Every parent has to decide what kind of education is best for their child and there are plenty of schools and educational methods out there. No matter what type of school you’re looking for, factors like test scores and graduation rates can be an essential part of the decision-making process.
At some of the worst schools in Oklahoma City, the test scores are low compared to the state average. While this doesn’t tell the whole story of what’s happening within each classroom, it does indicate that students may need more support to excel academically.
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Sean Pavone/