Adjectives are an incredibly useful part of speech that bring descriptive capabilities to nouns. Words like bright and beautiful can be used to describe a noun. Bright sun or beautiful rainbow illustrate the impact that the simple addition of an adjective can bring.
We've found that using animals to teach children about adjectives is effective and fun. Take this sweet little bear, for example.
The bashful bear decided to be brave. Though he was scared, he performed in the talent show anyway.
Through alliteration and illustration, we can teach children that the words bashful and brave are used to describe the bear. These words are adjectives.

Here are even more adjectives that start with the letter B:
- babyish
- back
- bad
- baggy
- barbarous
- bare
- barren
- bashful
- basic
- batty
- bawdy
- beautiful
- beefy
- befitting
- belated
- belligerent
- beloved
- beneficial
- bent
- berserk
- best
- better
- bewildered
- bewitched
- big
- big-hearted
- billowy
- biodegradable
- bite-sized
- biting
- bitter
- bizarre
- black
- black-and-white
- bland
- blank
- blaring
- bleak
- blind
- blissful
- blond
- bloody
- blue
- blue-eyed
- blushing
- bogus
- boiling
- bold
- bony
- boorish
- bored
- boring
- bossy
- both
- bouncy
- boundless
- bountiful
- bowed
- brainy
- brash
- brave
- brawny
- breakable
- breezy
- brief
- bright
- brilliant
- brisk
- broad
- broken
- bronze
- brown
- bruised
- bubbly
- bulky
- bumpy
- buoyant
- burdensome
- burly
- bustling
- busy
- buttery
- buzzing
The image featured at the top of this post is ©Yuganov Konstantin/