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At first glance, you may assume Clair is a popular girls' name, but the truth is that this version of the name has actually been more popular for boys throughout history. Today, Claire with an “E” is a top 100 baby name for girls in the United States, and you can certainly use Clair as a feminine alternative, but up until the 1960s, it was mostly used for boys. Some say it's a shortened form of Clarence. Either way, it makes both a great given name and middle name for any gender.

Meaning of the name Clair:

Latin: Bright, clear, light

Origin of the name Clair:

Clair has several potential origins. First, some say it's a shortened form of Clarence. This would make it more of a masculine name. Second, some say it's an alternative spelling of Claire, which would make it seem more feminine. Third, it's possibly derived from the Latin word “clārus,” which means “clear.” The good news is that all of the potential origins have the same basic meanings of “clear” or “bright.”

Symbolism of the name Clair:

New parents may see their baby Clair as a clear, bright start to a new chapter of their lives. They may also see their new baby as a symbol of a shining light.

Style of the name Clair:


Gender of the name Clair:

Clair is a unisex baby name.

Pronunciation of the name Clair:


Number of syllables in the name Clair:


Emotion evoked from the name Clair:

The baby name Clair evokes images of someone who is judicious and fair and always strives to do the right thing.

Alternative spellings for the name Clair:

Nicknames for the name Clair:


Popularity of the name Clair:

According to the Social Security Administration, Clair was a top 1,000 baby name for boys up until about 1965. It was most popular in 1913 when it ranked at number 288. It last ranked at number 976 in 1965.

Related names for the name Clair:

Great middle names for Clair and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Clair:


Clair in popular culture:

  • Clair (character from the Pokémon universe)
  • Clair (character from the “Fire Emblem Gaiden” video game)
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