

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Elnora was a pretty popular baby name for girls in the United States up until the 1950s. Today, it might be considered more of a “grandma name,” and new parents are regaining some interest in the moniker. Elnora comes with a variety of cute nicknames, and it pairs well with most middle names, both classic and trendy.

Meaning of the name Elnora:

French: The Other
Greek: Sun, ray of light

Origin of the name Elnora:

The exact origins of Elnora are unknown, though it's most likely a derivative of Eleanor. However, the origin of Eleanor is unknown as well. Some believe it came from the Greek name Helen which means “sun” or “ray of light.” Others believe it came from Aliénor, a french name that means “the other.”

Symbolism of the name Elnora:

Because of its potential meaning, new parents may see Elnora as a symbol of the sun or a brightly-shining light in their life. Those who believe the baby name means “the other” may find symbolism there too. Perhaps they see their new daughter as a new version of themselves.

Style of the name Elnora:


Gender of the name Elnora:

Elnora is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Elnora:


Number of syllables in the name Elnora:


Emotion evoked from the name Elnora:

The baby name Elnora evokes images of someone who is perceptive and intuitive.

Alternative spellings for the name Elnora:

  • Ellnora
  • Elnorra
  • Elnorah

Nicknames for the name Elnora:

Popularity of the name Elnora:

According to the Social Security Administration, Elnora was a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States up until 1957. It was most popular in 1905 when it ranked at number 227. It last ranked at number 943 in 1957.

Related names for the name Elnora:

Great middle names for Elnora and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Elnora:

  • Elnora Monroe Babcock (leader in the American suffrage movement)

Elnoras in popular culture:

  • Elnora(character in the book “A Girl Of The Limberlost” by Gene Stratton Porter)
  • Elnora (character in the video game “Mass Effect 2”)



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