

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Laverna is a multicultural baby name that is just over the top 9,000 list. It was the name of a Roman goddess, but others think that it comes from the French Laverne. In either case, however, this option has a vintage and regal sound.

Meaning of the name Laverna:

Latin: unknown
French: springlike

Origin of the name Laverna:

Some agree that the baby name Laverna is an ancient Roman name. Laverna was the goddess of thievery according to Roman mythology. Others, however, believe that Laverna is a variation of Laverne. It comes from the French town with the same name, which comes from the Latin word “vernus.”

Symbolism of the name Laverna:

When considering ancient Roman mythology, the baby name Laverna has an “unknown” meaning. In French, however, it means “springlike.” This interpretation comes from the name Laverne, which dates back to the Latin word “vernus.” “Vernus” translates to “of spring.”

Style of the name Laverna:

Classical or traditional

Gender of the name Laverna:

Laverna is a formal name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Laverna:


Number of syllables in the name Laverna:


Emotion evoked from the name Laverna:

The baby name Laverna is classical and upper class. It is a unique and complex option.

Alternative spellings for the name Laverna:

  • Lavernna
  • Lavernah
  • Lavernnah

Nicknames for the name Laverna:

Popularity of the name Laverna:

Laverna was a top 1,000 baby name from 1902 to 1939 in America. It ranked highest in 1919 at rank 634. As of 2021, Laverna is number 9,261 for girls.

Related names for the name Laverna:

  • Laverne
  • Erika
  • Lavina 
  • Jovani
  • Luanda
  • Ravine

Great middle names for Laverna and their meanings:

  • Emmeline (work, gentle, brave)
  • Tempest (turbulent, stormy)
  • Jocelyn (happy, a member of the Gauls)
  • Caroline (strong, free man)
  • Mae (goddess of spring, warmth, to increase)
  • Faye (fairy, loyalty, belief)
  • Remi (oarsman, from Rhelms)
  • Delaney (from the alder grove)

Famous people with the name Laverna:

There are no famous people with the name Laverna.

Lavernas in popular culture:

  • Laverna (goddess of thievery in Roman mythology)
  • Laverna (character from “Barbie Fairytopia”)
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