From baby names that mean illusion to names of actual illusionists, each of these baby names is beautiful and unique. From Kikimora to Fantasia to Aisling, the names and their meanings will inspire your name selection process. Explore the options and find the perfect fit your little one.
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02/10/2025 08:33 am GMT
RELATED: Boy Names That Mean Illusion AND Girl Names That Mean Illusion
- Aisling Aisling is an Irish name that means “dream” or “vision.” You can pronounce it ASH-ling, ash-LEEN, or ASH-lin.
- MayaMaya has a dozen meanings in a dozen languages, but in Sanskrit, it translates to “magic” or “illusion.” It was commonly seen in Vedic texts with supernatural elements requiring spells or enhancements.
- Illusia Coming from the word “illusion,” this is a relatively recent name that was invented by a Finnish fairy tale author in the 1940s. The original Illusia was a fairy who lived on a rainbow.
- Ialu This gorgeous name comes from ancient Egyptian and means “fields of dreams.” It's traditionally meant for boys, but there's no reason why you can't use it for a girl as well.
- Fantasia – Fantasia has roots in both Greek and Latin, where phantasia meant alternatively “fancy, fantasy, imagination” or “appearance, presentation, impression, perception.” Either way, it's a magical baby name!
- Devamayi This beautiful, feminine name comes from the Hindi language. It means “divine illusion” and is often used in conjunction with goddesses.
- Swyn Pronounced SOO-in, Swyn is an enchanting girl's name from Wales. It means “charm” or “magic spell,” both of which can take the form of illusions.
- Morpheus – You're probably most familiar with this name because of The Matrix, but Morpheus is also an ancient Greek deity associated with sleep, dreams, shapes, and forms.
- Kalpana A cross-cultural name from Hindi, Telugu, and Nepali, Kalpana has a variety of meanings related to things like “vision,” “creativity,” and “imagination.”
- Anwir Anwir is a boy's name that means “liar,” which might seem a bit negative, but it can also be used in contexts of spells, illusions, and anything that isn't what it seems.
- Mirage From the French word meaning “optical illusion,” this could be a fun, unique baby name for either gender. Just know that it's an everyday noun as well.
- Kikimora Kikimora comes from a little-known language called Udmurt in Eastern Europe. She's a fairy tale figure who spins visions and illusions for the world out of flax.
- Thelxinoe – Hailing from Greek mythology, Thelxinoe was one of the four female muses. It comes from the word thelxis meaning “enhancement.” You pronounce the X like an S: thel-SIN-oh-ee.
- Amets Amets has deeply ancient origins in the Basque language. It means “dream,” and it can be used for boys and girls alike.
- Talisman A talisman is a token of protection that's used to ward off evil. If you're looking at illusionary names to help your child keep open eyes in a world full of lies, this is the name to do it.
- Garridan Garridan is a Romani name, and as befitting the secretive community, it means “he who keeps secrets.”
- Taika Pronounced TAH-ee-kah, Taika is a Finnish name for girls that means “magic.” Interestingly, the same name in Maori means “tiger,” and it's meant for boys.
- Achlys Another name from Greek mythology, Achlys was the personification of misery, and she was known for casting a mist over the eyes of those about to die. If you aren't afraid of dark, mysterious baby names, consider this one for your daughter.
- Lorien Invented by J.R.R. Tolkien, Lorien is the name of a beautiful elvish garden in the undying lands. It was created by Irmo, the master of dreams and visions. Another potential name is Lorellin, or “dream pool,” the name of a lake in Lorien.
- Jinx This cute and playful name could be a way to imbue your baby with power from the moment that they're born. A jinx is a curse!
- Sabrina – While this name technically means “from the river Severn,” it's far more well-known for Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
- OdinOdin is the king of the gods in Norse mythology, and he's strongly associated with magic, including the magic of his lost eye that can still see beyond the mortal realm.
- Hayal With Arabic roots, Hayal is a popular baby name in Muslim countries. It can be used for both girls and boys, and it means “dream.”
- Charisma Popularized by the actress Charisma Carpenter, this could be a beautiful name for a baby girl who charms and delights everyone that she meets.
- Batin Batin is an Arabic name that means “secret,” “hidden,” “inward,” and “within.” What else is an illusion?
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