

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


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30 month old child


Shakira is a strikingly attractive name for girls. Bold in sound, it became internationally renowned during the early 2000s due to the fame of singer Shakira Isabel Merabak. Shakira is also the name of a shapeshifter in the DC Comics universe, and Shakira the Ostrich is a character in the Animals United series. Keep reading to learn more about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the name Shakira:

Shakira is the feminine form of the name Shakir (شاكر) and means “thankful” in Arabic. This name originates from the word شَكَرَ (shakara), a verb that means “to thank” in Old Arabic.

Symbolism of the name Shakira:

Shakira is the feminine variation of the name Shakira (meaning “thankful”). In Islam, the term refers to an appreciative person whom Allah eventually rewards (Quran 2:261). The symbol of this concept is the husk of corn or bushel of wheat.

Nicknames for the name Shakira:

Style of the name Shakira:


Gender of the name Shakira:

Shakira is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Shakira:


Number of syllables in the name Shakira:


Emotion evoked from the name Shakira:

The name Shakira evokes feelings of status and stardom.

Alternative spellings for the name Shakira:

  • Shakirah
  • Shakeera
  • Şakira

Popularity of the name Shakira:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Shakira was the 4,972nd most popular baby name for girls in 2020.

Great middle names for Shakira and their meanings:

  • Azar (fire, scarlet, helper)
  • Brianne (high, noble, hill)
  • Constanza (constant, faithful, steadfast)
  • Desiree (desired, beloved, wished for)
  • Farida (unique, precious)
  • Habiba (beloved, darling, dear)
  • Iman (faith)
  • Marisol (sun and sea)
  • Minka (resolute protector, strong-willed warrior)
  • Nevaeh (heavenly, divine)
  • Ren (water lily, lotus)
  • Zainab (beauty, grace, fragrant flower)

Famous people with the name Shakira:

  • Shakira (shapeshifter in the DC Comics universe)
  • Shakira the Ostrich (character in the Animals United series)
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