

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Names for Girl Twins


Desiree is a French girl’s baby name that means “desired, wished for”. Desiree was at its most popular in the 1980’s and has fallen out of favor in recent years. Because of the meaning, Desiree is a popular choice for a baby born on Valentine’s Day.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Desiree:

Desiree is a French name that comes from the Roman name Desiderata. Desiree means “beloved, desired, wished for”. The name was originally used by the Puritans. The name is often associated with passion, love, and confidence. There are a number of spellings for this name.

Symbolism of the Name Desiree:

Desiree means “beloved” or “desired” and is symbolized as typical love symbols: hearts and red and pink roses are great examples.

Nicknames for the Name Desiree:

Desiree is a name that will certainly turn heads for your child's whole life. If you're interested in nicknames that fit with Desiree, we've got a great list here for you to look through. There are plenty of options here, so be sure to consider all of them carefully!

  • Desi
  • Des
  • Ree
  • Rae 
  • Dede
  • Dee
  • ReeRee
  • Desire
  • Sir 
  • Dez
  • Reah
  • Daisy 
  • Dezi
  • Dessie
  • Deesi

Style of the Name Desiree:


Gender of the Name Desiree:

Desiree is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the Name Desiree:

dehz-i-RAY (English), DEH-ZEE-REH (French)

Number of Syllables in the Name Desiree:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Desiree:

Desiree evokes feelings of passion and love.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Desiree:

Desire, Desiray, Desirae

Popularity of the Name Desiree:

According to the Social Security Administration, Desiree first appeared among the top 1,000 names in 1954. Desiree peaked at #95 in 1983 and disappeared from the list in 2018.

Great Middle Names for the Name Desiree and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Desiree:

  • Desiree Hartsock (American reality TV personality)
  • Desiree Goyette (American singer and voice actress)
  • Desiree Scott (Canadian soccer player)
  • Desiree Linden (American runner)
  • Lucille Desiree Ball (American comedian)
  • Desiree (television, “Danny Phantom”)
  • Desiree Dupree (television, “American Horror Story: Freakshow”)
  • Desiree DeLite (video game, Ace Attorney series)
  • Desiree Armfeldt (musical “A Little Night Music”)
  • Desiree Stone (video game, “Hollywood U”)
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