

Birthday Party Games




Holidays & Celebrations


Children Love This Fire House Scavenger Hunt

Children Love This Fire House Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are a fantastic way to get kids moving and thinking. This fire house scavenger hunt is also great for teaching kids teamwork, since they'll have to work with a partner to find as many fires as they can. Whether you're hosting a small party or a large one, this activity will be fun for all!

Fire House Scavenger Hunt

Things you'll need:

Several pictures of fire.  Either hand drawn, cut from magazines, or printed off of the computer.
Bags, half the number of guests

Before the guests arrive:

 Step 1:  Cut out all the pictures.  Two per guest is generally a good number to have.

Step 2:  Hide the pictures all around the house.  Keep the ages of your guests in mind while doing the hiding.

When you're ready to start:

Step 1:  Split the guests up into teams of two. 

Step 2:  Show the children a picture of a fire, and tell them that there are several “fires” all around the house.  Explain that each team is a pair of firefighters, who must find and put out as many fires as they can in three minutes.

Step 3:  Give each team a bag to put the fires into.

Step 4:  Ring a bell, or yell ‘FIRE!’ to indicate that it’s time to start putting out fires.

Step 5:  When the three minutes are up, call all the teams back.  The team with the most fires in their bag wins.

Tips for Making This Game a Success

Consider the ages of your guests when hiding the pictures. Very young children won't be able to reach up to too many places, and you don't want them trying to climb on things to do so. Older children will be able to find the fires more easily, so you'll have to get creative with your hiding spots.

If applicable, set “no-go zones” for all participants. These are places that they aren't allowed to go to when searching for fires. This might be in the woods, in your bedroom, or in the attic. Make a rule that anyone who is caught going in a no-go zone will be disqualified from the game. Consider moving fragile objects out of harm's way, as excited kids may accidentally knock something over in their search for fires.

Kids can be very competitive, so make sure you and any other adults on hand are watching for arguments. If one occurs, try to find a compromise and separate the involved parties if need be. Adjust the time limit for this game as needed; very young kids may need longer to find the fires. You'll also want to give more time if you've spread the fires out across your entire house, or around a large area outdoors.

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