

Baby Girl Names


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Amirah is a beautiful baby name for girls. The name Amirah is also the feminine version of a well-known masculine name. Keep reading to discover more about the name.

Meaning of the name Amirah:

Arabic for “princess”.

Origin of the name Amirah:

Amirah is a baby name with Arabic origins. The name is a feminine take on the name “Amir”, which stems from the Arabic word “emir”. Emir originally stood for a title for men such as for a high-ranking military officer or a monarch. As such, Amirah took the place to describe the title for a woman.

Symbolism of the name Amirah:

The baby name Amirah can symbolize royalty, someone who holds power and looks after others as well. Amirah is a powerful name that can feel inspiring.

Style of the name Amirah:


Gender of the name Amirah:

Amirah is a name that is generally used for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Amirah:


Number of syllables in the name Amirah:


Emotion evoked from the name Amirah:

As a baby name, Amirah can feel sweet, yet bold at the same time.

Alternative spellings for the name Amirah:

  • Amyra
  • Ameera 
  • Ameerah
  • Amerah
  • Amyrah

Nicknames for the name Amirah:

Popularity of the name Amirah:

With information from the Social Security Administration, the name Amirah reached the top 1000 list of popular baby names on several occasions starting in the 2000s. Since then, Amirah landed as high as #545 in 2020.

Related names for the name Amirah:

Great middle names for Amirah and their meanings:

  • Azul (blue)
  • Lila (night; play)
  • Yasmin (jasmine flower)
  • Anissa (friendly)
  • Yara (friend, helper)
  • Aisha (living, prosperous)
  • Faye (fairy)
  • Senna (brightness)

Famous people with the name Amirah:

  • Amirah Kassem (American-born author, baker, media personality, designer)
  • Amirah Vann (American actress, singer)

Amirahs in movies/pop culture:

Amirah is not a popular name found used in pop culture such as TV, movies, and music.

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