

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Axl is an alternative spelling of the baby name Axel. Both versions of the name are quite popular in the United States right now. Axl has some rock-star appeal, thanks to a certain musician, and it even has a literary background. Boys' names with an “X” in them are also big right now, so that could add to its appeal. Axl sounds great with both classic middle names, like Thomas, and trendier ones, like Kai or River.

Meaning of the name Axl:

Scandanavian: Father of peace

Origin of the name Axl:

Axl is a Scandanavian derivative of the Hebrew name Absalom. The most likely explanation is that the Danish archbishop Absalon was also known as “Axel of Lund.” The name is quite common in Scandanavian countries and was even before it became popular in the United States.

Symbolism of the name Axl:

Because of its origin and meaning, Axl may offer some symbolism to new parents of faith. Otherwise, new parents may find that it has more pop culture influence than anything. For example, those who are fans of rocker Axl Rose may choose to name their son after him.

Style of the name Axl:


Gender of the name Axl:

Axl is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Axl:


Number of syllables in the name Axl:


Emotion evoked from the name Axl:

The baby name Axl evokes images of someone who is loving and passionate.

Alternative spellings for the name Axl:

  • Axel 
  • Axil
  • Aksel
  • Axell

Nicknames for the name Axl:

  • Ax

Popularity of the name Axl:

According to the Social Security Administration, Axl has been a top 1,000 baby name for boys since 2014. It last ranked at number 760 in 2020.

Related names for the name Axl:

Great middle names for Axl and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Axl:

  • Axl Rose (singer)

Axls in popular culture:

  • Axl (character in the book “The Buried Giant”)
  • Axl (character in the “Mega Man X” series)
  • Axl (character in the “Nexo Knights” series)
  • Axl Heck (character from the TV show “The Middle”)
  • Axl Low (character from the “Guilty Gear” games)



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