

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Hugo is a Latin baby boy’s name that means “mind, intellect, heart, spirit” that comes from the English name Hugh. Hugo has remained consistently popular for more than a century and as of 2020 is #424.

Meaning of the name Hugo:

Latin: mind, intellect, heart, spirit

Origin of the name Hugo:

Hugo is the Latin version of the English name Hugh and means “mind, intellect, heart, spirit”. Hugo can ultimately be traced back to Germanic origin.

Symbolism of the name Hugo:

Hugo is symbolic of the mind, heart, and spirit as one. Agate is a stone that is said to symbolize that connection between the mind and the heart.

Hugo baby name meaning and origin

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Style of the name Hugo:


Gender of the name Hugo:

Hugo is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Hugo:

HYOO-go (English), OO-gho (Spanish), HOO-go (German), UY-GO (French)

Number of syllables in the name Hugo:


Emotion evoked from the name Hugo:

Hugo evokes feelings of intelligence and compassion.

Alternative spellings for the name Hugo:

Hugues, Huguo, Hyugo, Hugoh

Nicknames for the name Hugo:

Popularity of the name Hugo:

According to the Social Security Administration, Hugo is a popular baby boy’s name that has been on the top 1000 names list since 1900. Hugo has remained consistently popular for most of that time.

Related names for the name Hugo:

Great middle names for the name Hugo and their meanings:

  • Jasper (bringer of treasure)
  • Theodore (gift of God)
  • Jack (God is gracious)
  • Simon (the listener)
  • Orson (bear cub)
  • Ewan (born of the yew tree)
  • Alistair (defending men)
  • Amos (carried by God)
  • Micah (like the lord)
  • Gabriel (God is strength)

Famous people with the name Hugo:

  • Hugo Weaving (Australian actor)
  • Hugo Theorell (Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine)
  • Hugo Wolf (Austrian composer)
  • Hugo Boss (German fashion designer)

Hugo in popular culture:

  • Hugo Granger Weasley (literature, Harry Potter series)
  • Hugo “Hurley” Reyes (television, “Lost”)
  • Hugo Vega (video game, “Dream Daddy”)
  • Hugo (video game, “Skylanders”)
  • Hugo Strange (comics, Batman franchise)
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