Micah is an attractive first name with plenty of substance. Often cited as a fresh alternative to Michael, the name Micah has a palatable sound and a pleasant role in popular culture. Micah Clarke is the titular character of a famous adventure novel, and Micah Sanders is the child-prodigy character on television's Heroes). Keep reading to learn more about this baby name.
Meaning of the name Micah:
Hebrew: Who is like Yahweh?
Origin of the name Micah:
Micah derives from a contracted or shorted version of the Hebrew name Micaiah. The name means “Who is like Yahweh?” Micah combines the Hebrew element mikha with the theosophic suffix Yah. A similar origin occurred with the name Michael (combined the element mikha and the theosophic suffix ‘El to produce the meaning “Who is like God?”).
Symbolism of the name Micah:
Micah is the name of the eponymous prophet of the Book of Micah in the Old Testament. This prophet spoke frequently about justice and restoration. Symbols for Micah include the scales of justice and the city of Zion.

Style of the name Micah:
Gender of the name Micah:
Micah is a boy's name.
Pronunciation of the name Micah
Number of syllables in the name Micah:
Emotion evoked from the name Micah:
The name Micah evokes feelings of liveliness and vitality.
Alternative spellings for the name Micah:
- Mikah
- Mykah
- Micha
- Micaiah
Nicknames for the name Micah:
- Mic
- Mickey
- Mika
- Mike
Popularity of the name Micah:
According to the Social Security Administration index, Micah was the 107th most popular baby boy name in 2020. Micah has ranked among the top 150 baby names for boys since 2005.
Related names for the name Micah:
Great middle names for Micah and their meanings:
- Axel (father is peace)
- Bennett (blessed)
- Emmanuel (God with us)
- Fritz (peaceful ruler)
- Jasper (bringer of treasure)
- Otto (wealthy)
- Slade (valley)
- Wilder (hunter)
- Vaughn (small)
- Zachary (God has remembered)
Famous people with the name Micah:
- Micah Samuel Alberti (model)
- Micah Tyler Begnaud (singer)
- Micah Andrew Bowie (baseball player)
- Micah Paul Hinson (guitarist)
- Micah Richmond Hyde (football player)
- Micah Kemboi Kogo (Olympic athlete)
- Micah Jesse Koffler (blogger)
- Micah Joseph Lebensohn (poet)
- Micah Francois Malone (son of basketball player Moses Malone)
- Micah Sierra Williams (comedian)
Micah in popular culture:
- Micah(titular character of the 1889 adventure novel by Arthur Conan Doyle)
- Micah Rains (supporting character in the Wonder Woman comics)
- Micah Sanders (character in Heroes)