

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Danesha is one of the most unique baby names for girls. It either comes from a combination of Dan and Esha or the ancient Hindu religion. As of 2022, Danesha is only a top 1,800 option.

Meaning of the name Danesha:

Sanskrit: full of wealth, full of mercy
American: unknown

Origin of the name Danesha:

Most individuals are unsure of the origins of the baby name Danesha. Most agree that it is an invented option, but others think it is a combination of Dan and Esha. Some experts believe that Danesha is an ancient Sanskrit baby name important to the Hindu religion.

Symbolism of the name Danesha:

The baby name Danesha has a complicated origin. In America, it means “unknown” because most assume that it is a combination of the names Dan and Esha. In the Sanskrit culture, Danesha translates to “full of wealth” or “full of mercy.” It was a way for parents to show the gratefulness they have for their children.

Style of the name Danesha:


Gender of the name Danesha:

Danesha is a unique name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Danesha:


Number of syllables in the name Danesha:


Emotion evoked from the name Danesha:

Danesha is a unique and quirky name. It is simple but still gives off an urban vibe.

Alternative spellings for the name Danesha:

  • Dannesha
  • Daneshah
  • Danneshah

Nicknames for the name Danesha:

Popularity of the name Danesha:

Danesha has no records on the Social Security Popularity Index. This baby name option is brand new in America. In 2021, there was no data available. In 2022 so far, it is only a top 1,800 option. More specifically, Danesha is number 1,794.

Related names for the name Danesha:

Great middle names for Danesha and their meanings:

  • Faith (complete trust, devotion)
  • Robin (famed, bright, shining)
  • Harissa (cultivator, lionness)
  • Sedonia (wise, one who possesses wisdom)
  • Shea (esteemed, the dauntless one)
  • Mikayla (who resembles God?)
  • Nadea (hope, tender, delicate)
  • Trish (noble, patrician)

Famous people with the name Danesha:

  • Danesha Lee (actress, “A Dog's Purpose”)

Daneshas in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the baby name Danesha.

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