

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The exact origin of Jamesha is unknown, but many believe it's a baby name with Arabic roots and a beautiful meaning — literally. It's also thought to be an American name created from the male name James. Either way, Jamesha is unique but not too far out there, and it pairs well with most middle names. Put it with a classic, like Claire, or go with something more trendy, like Oakley.

Meaning of the name Jamesha:

Arabic: Beautiful leader
American: Supplanter

Origin of the name Jamesha:

Jamesha's exact origin is unknown. Some believe it's an Arabic name that means “beautiful leader.” Others believe it's a feminine take on the male name James.

Symbolism of the name Jamesha:

In Arabic cultures, it's common to assign a name to your child with a meaning that you hope to bestow upon them. Because Jamesha is thought to mean “beautiful leader,” new parents may choose it hoping their daughter grows up to become a beautiful leader. Jamesha is also a good choice for a new baby whose father or grandfather's name is James.

Style of the name Jamesha:


Gender of the name Jamesha:

Jamesha is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Jamesha:


Number of syllables in the name Jamesha:


Emotion evoked from the name Jamesha:

The baby name Jamesha evokes images of someone who is outgoing and an inspiration to others.

Alternative spellings for the name Jamesha:

  • Jameisha
  • Jemesha
  • Jamisha
  • Jamiesha

Nicknames for the name Jamesha:

  • Mesha
  • Jam
  • Jammy
  • Meesh
  • James 

Popularity of the name Jamesha:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jamesha has never been a top 1,000 baby name in the United States.

Related names for the name Jamesha:

Great middle names for Jamesha and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Jamesha:


Jameshas in popular culture:


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