

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Baby Girl Names A


Madeline sounds very European, but it actually has deep Hebrew roots. It was created by English Christians to create their own version of the name Magdalene. It is a beautiful and feminine name that is one of the most popular among girls today with a variety of different spellings.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Madeline:

The name Madeline was created to be an English version of the name Magdalene. Magdalene was created to represent women who were from Magdala. The first instance of this name was in the New Testament with the introduction of the woman Mary Magdalene. The name has strong Christian connotations, although in modern times the name has come to be associated with a variety of cultural characters. The name Madeline still means “woman of Magdala”. A less common meaning is “high tower”.

Symbolism of the Name Madeline:

The name Madeline still means woman of Magdala as it retains the meaning of the name Magdalene. Magdalene may have originally been a surname in ancient Hebrew times, as seen with Mary Magdalene in the Bible, to represent women from the city of Magdala. Since this name has strong Christian associations, a cross may be a good symbol to represent it.

Nicknames for the Name Madeline:

There are so many nicknames to choose from for Madeline! Longer names are easier to find nicknames for, and Madeline is no exception. We've compiled a list of our favorite nicknames for Madeline, to make your search for the perfect one a lot easier. Check it out:

Style of the Name Madeline:

The style of the baby name Madeline is traditional.

Gender of the Name Madeline:

The gender of the baby name Madeline is female.

Pronunciation of the Name Madeline:

MAD-e-lyne or MAD-e-lin

Number of Syllables in the Name Madeline:

There are three syllables in the baby name Madeline.

Emotion Evoked from the Name Madeline:

The name Madeline is very graceful and feminine. It is very lighthearted and feels pure and innocent in its representation.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Madeline:

Popularity of the Name Madeline:

The baby name Madeline is currently ranked at number 102 on the Social Security Popularity Index. 2022 is the first year in the 21st century when this name has not made the top 100. The name was also on the top 200 list from 1900 to 1931, and from 1990 to 1993.

Great Middle Names for Madeline and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Madeline:

  • Madeline (title character in “Madeline” books)
  • Madeline Robin (character in “Winnie the Pooh”)
  • Madeline Reeves (character on “General Hospital”)
  • Madeline Hatter (character on “Ever After High”)
  • Madeline Main (character in book “North and South”)
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