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Kayson is an extremely modern name popular among both boys and girls. It is already a top 300 name, though just entering the top 1,000 list in 2009. Kayson is an invented name created by American parents as an alternative to Jason or Cason.

Meaning of the name Kayson:

American: combination name

Origin of the name Kayson:

Kayson is a modern name invented in America. It could have been a combination name created in the 1990s as one that rhymed with other popular options like “Jason.” Others state, however, that the name could be a variant of the old English surname Cason.

Symbolism of the name Kayson:

The baby name Kayson means “combination name” as it is literally an invented name made up by parents in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. It either came from an Old English surname or a variation of the baby name “Jason.”

Style of the name Kayson:


Gender of the name Kayson:

Kayson is a baby name used for either gender.

Pronunciation of the name Kayson:


Number of syllables in the name Kayson:


Emotion evoked from the name Kayson:

Kayson feels young, fresh, and innovative. It is a modern name that has an extroverted personality.

Alternative spellings for the name Kayson:

Nicknames for the name Kayson:

  • Kay 
  • Kay Kay
  • Kon
  • Kayso
  • Sonnie
  • Sonny

Popularity of the name Kayson:

The baby name Kayson became a top 1,000 name in 2009 at rank 857. In 2016, it became a top 400 name at rank 380, and in 2020, a top 300 name. As of last year, Kayson was rank 294.

Related names for the name Kayson:

Great middle names for Kayson and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Kayson:

  • Kayson Brown (musical conductor)

Kaysons in popular culture:

No pop culture references exist for the baby name Kayson.

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