

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Ladonna is a great example of a modern-sounding name. Though not as popular now as it once was, the name nevertheless pops up frequently in popular culture. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Ladonna:

Italian: the lady

Origin of the name Ladonna:

Ladonna is a name of Italian origin that means “the lady”.

Symbolism of the name Ladonna:

Ladonna tends to symbolize a family's joy in having a daughter.

Style of the name Ladonna:


Gender of the name Ladonna:

Ladonna is almost exclusively used as a name for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Ladonna:


Number of syllables in the name Ladonna:


Emotion evoked from the name Ladonna:

Ladonna tends to evoke joyful and hopeful emotions.

Alternative spellings for the name Ladonna:

  • Ladawna
  • Ladona
  • Ladana

Nicknames for the name Ladonna:

Popularity of the name Ladonna:

According to the Social Security Administration, Ladonna last ranked as one of the most popular names for baby girls in the United States in 1998, when it was the 992nd most popular name. It peaked in popularity in 1968, when it was the 378th most popular name.

Related names for the name Ladonna:

Great middle names for Ladonna and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Ladonna:

  • LaDonna Harris (Comanche activist)
  • LaDonna Tamakawastewin (Lakota historian)
  • LaDonna Gatlin (American motivational speaker)

Ladonnas in popular culture:

  • Ladonna Compson (character, Arthur)
  • LaDonna Fredericks (character, Square Pegs)
  • LaDonna Batiste-Williams (character, Treme)
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