

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Layan is a unique, yet popular Arabic name that sees most of its popularity in Arab-speaking countries. The baby name Layan also has a bold feminine look and feel. Keep reading to learn more about the name.

Meaning of the name Layan:

Arabic for “soft, gentle; prosperity life”.

Origin of the name Layan:

Layan is a beautiful baby name for girls that has Arabic origins. The name is used widely in the Arab-speaking areas of the world, but it is also a name that crosses the cultural boundaries.

Symbolism of the name Layan:

Layan is a gentle name for baby girls that symbolize peace and relaxation. The name Layan is also ideal to represent refinement.

Style of the name Layan:


Gender of the name Layan:

Layan is a name typically used for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Layan:


Number of syllables in the name Layan:


Emotion evoked from the name Layan:

With the baby name Layan, it brings up charming and graceful sensations.

Alternative spellings for the name Layan:

There are no known popular alternative spellings for the name Layan.

Nicknames for the name Layan:

Popularity of the name Layan:

According to the Social Security Index, the baby name Layan has never ranked within the top 1000.

Related names for the name Layan:

Great middle names for Layan and their meanings:

  • Zara (God remembers; blooming flower)
  • Nyla (winner, one who achieves)
  • Adara (virgin; exalted; noble)
  • Zahra (flower)
  • Nahla (a drink of water)
  • Kayla (laurel, crown)
  • Laila (night; holy)
  • Mariam (drop of the sea; beloved; bitter)
  • Fatima (captivating, a woman who abstains)

Famous people with the name Layan:

There are no known famous people with the name Layan.

Layans in movies/pop culture:

The baby name Layan does not appear to be widely used in pop culture.

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