

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Mariah was not a very popular name in the United States until singing sensation Mariah Carey debuted her self titled album in 1990. Thus, thrusting the name Mariah straight into the limelight and becoming the name of choice for a whole generation. Keep reading to find out more about this baby name.

Meaning of the name Mariah:

Hebrew: The Lord is my teacher, drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved.

Origin of the name Mariah:

Hebrew. Mariah may be based on the Hebrew word Moriah, which means “the Lord is my teacher”. It is also thought that it could be a variant form of Maria with uncertain meaning but it is theorized that it refers to “drop of the sea”, “bitter”, or “beloved”.

Symbolism of the name Mariah:

Mariah symbolizes optimism, communication, and joviality lending well to an effervescent personality.

Baby name Mariah

Style of the name Mariah:


Gender of the name Mariah:

Mariah is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Mariah:


Syllables in the name Mariah:


Emotion evoked from the name Mariah:

The name Mariah evokes a feeling of caring, warmth, and romance.

Alternative spellings for the name Mariah:

Mariya, Mariyah

Nicknames for the name Mariah:

Mare, Mari, Riya, Ya Ya

Popularity of the name Mariah:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Mariah was ranked as the 305th most popular girl name in 2020. This has been its lowest ranking in the last 20 years, down from a high of 75th most popular in 2000.

Related names for the name Mariah:

Maria, Moriah, Myriah

Great middle names for Mariah and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Mariah:

Mariah in movies/pop culture:

  • Mariah (character from the manga “JoJo's Bizarre Adventure”)
  • Mariah Wong (character from the anime and manga series “Beyblade”)
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