

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Nikhil is a name that definitely isn't a dime a dozen! This popular Hindu boy's name is a symbol for completeness. While it is commonly used by parents in India, Nikhils are found all over the world. Keep reading to discover the beauty of naming a boy Nikhil.

Meaning of the name Nikhil:

Sanskrit: Whole, all, completeness

Origin of the name Nikhil:

Sanskrit. Nikhil symbolizes wholeness and completeness in the Sanskrit language.

Symbolism of the name Nikhil:

Nikhil symbolizes a universality of being. Nikhil is about seeing the whole picture of life.

Style of the name Nikhil:


Gender of the name Nikhil:

Nikhil is a traditional masculine Hindu name given to boys.

Pronunciation of the name Nikhil:


Syllables in the name Nikhil:


Emotion evoked from the name Nikhil:

Nikhil comes across as a very strong name that points to something higher.

Alternative spellings for the name Nikhil:

Neykhyl, Nikhill, Nikhy, Nykhyl

Nicknames for the name Nikhil

Nick, Nicky

Popularity of the name Nikhil:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Nikhil made the list of the top 1,000 baby names 13 times between 1997 and 2009. Nikhil had its most popular year when it reached #818 in 1999.

Related names for the name Nikhil:


Great middle names for Nikhil and their meanings:

  • Anchor (steadfast)
  • Blaine (yellow)
  • Harold (army ruler)
  • Jairaj (victorious ruler)
  • Johnathan (gift from God)
  • Onkar (there is only one God)
  • Samesh (lord of equality)
  • Yash (success)

Famous people with the name Nikhil:

Nikhils in movies/pop culture:

  • “My Nikhil” (2005 film based on the life of Dominic d'Souza)
  • Nikhil Ganguli (main character in “The Namesake”)


Nikhil is a common name in India, Nepal, and Great Britain. It is commonly used to name baby boys in Nepali, Hindi, Marathi, and Bengali cultures.


Nikil is a word for completeness in Sanskrit.

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