

Family Health


What You Need to Do if You’re Going Through Perimenopause

What You Need to Do if You’re Going Through Perimenopause

Knowledge is power, and becoming informed will give you the power to regain control over your body and regain control over your life. Reading, talking to others, and researching online will help you to learn as much as possible about your changing body.

Until recently, the information needed may have been difficult to find. Perimenopause was rarely identified as such, with the emphasis always being placed on menopause and the changes occurring afterwards. In this article, we'll walk you through some helpful steps to take if you're going through perimenopause.

Key Points

  • There's lots of books out there that can help you better understand perimenopause and your experiences with it.
  • Don't be afraid to go to therapy if you need it. Perimenopause can be a tough thing to go through!
  • Make sure you understand the symptoms of perimenopause, so you can identify it if you have it.

What to Do If You're Going Through Perimenopause

Check out some books. Two current and informative books that cover this topic are Dr. Judith Reichman's I'm Too Young to Get Old and Dr. Susan Love's Hormone Book. Love's book emphasizes lifestyle approaches and alternative therapies such as acupuncture and herbal remedies, as well as medications and surgery. For another perspective on this transitional time, Debra Waterhouse's Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell is both humorous and informative.

Check your area hospitals. Many offer educational series to help you become educated about your health. They may also offer support groups for women going through perimenopause. If they don't, consider whether a menopause support group would be helpful. They may also have a more general women's support group that you can attend.

Make simple adjustments to improve your quality of life. If you're experiencing bleeding or discharge outside of your period, consider wearing a liner. This will help keep blood and discharge from getting on your underwear and pants. In addition, keep an extra set of clean sheets around for if those terrible night sweats come along.

Consider therapy. Perimenopause can be a difficult thing to go through. The physical toll it takes on you can affect your mental health. If you feel that you're suffering mentally from the effects of perimenopause, then consider speaking to a mental health professional. You can find one that specializes in women's health or in older women's mental care.

Try to manage your stress. Life is already stressful enough without you needing more. While some of the stress that comes with perimenopause is unavoidable, there are some things you can do to mitigate it. Take time for yourself when possible. Set boundaries when it comes to your relationships. Learn how to say no when you don't have time for something.

Understand the symptoms of perimenopause. Knowing what symptoms to look out for will help you identify perimenopause and know how to handle it. It will also help you if you need to go to your doctor, since you'll know exactly what you need to tell them about. Check out the links below for more information.

Perimenopause Symptoms

Perimenopause Information


Perimenopause Symptoms

Symptoms of Perimenopause

Perimenopause Symptoms – What to Do

Managing Perimenopause Symptoms

Perimenopause Symptom – Medical Treatment

Perimenopause Symptoms – A

Perimenopause Symptoms – B

Perimenopause Symptoms – C

Perimenopause Symptoms – D

Perimenopause Symptoms – E

Perimenopause Symptoms – F

Perimenopause Symptoms – G

Perimenopause Symptoms – H

Perimenopause Symptoms – I

Perimenopause Symptoms – J

Perimenopause Symptoms – K

Perimenopause Symptoms – L

Perimenopause Symptoms – M

Perimenopause Symptoms – N

Perimenopause Symptoms – O

Perimenopause Symptoms – P

Perimenopause Symptoms – Q

Perimenopause Symptoms – R

Perimenopause Symptoms – S

Perimenopause Symptoms – T

Perimenopause Symptoms – U

Perimenopause Symptoms – V

Perimenopause Symptoms – W

Perimenopause Symptoms – Z

The information in this article should not be taken as professional medical advice. Moms Who Think is not responsible for the consequences that may arise as a result of your decisions regarding medical matters. It is your responsibility to do your own research, and to verify any information you read on the Internet. Always consult a medical professional before making any health decisions.

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