

Adventure & Celebrations


Birthday Party Themes




A Full Guide to Throwing the Best Slumber Party

A Full Guide to Throwing the Best Slumber Party

Interested in throwing a slumber party for your child? Why not go all out and make it an entire theme? This article will walk you through how to do just that, so read on and enjoy!

Things to Keep in Mind When Throwing a Slumber Party

Throwing a slumber party can take a lot of work on your part, but the smiles it will bring to each child's face makes it all worth it. Saturdays are the best day for a sleepover. If you host it on a Friday, the children will be tired from school and won't have as much fun. Of course, if you're hosting during a school break, the day doesn't matter as much!

Make sure you set some ground rules as soon as the party begins. Let the kids know what rooms of the house are off-limits, and if there's anything they shouldn't do. For example, maybe you don't want them jumping on the furniture or running in the house. Keep your rules realistic and explain them in a clear way. Establish a bedtime for younger children, and a “quiet time” for older children. Make sure you make it clear that a quiet time means that while the partygoers don't have to go to sleep, they need to keep their voices at a low level so others in the house can rest.

Ensure that parents are aware of the time they need to pick their child up by. If any partygoer needs a ride home, establish that ahead of time if possible. Keep in mind that you may have to take a guest home in the morning if their parents have an unexpected change in plans; it's unlikely, but it may happen. Wake the guests up early enough so that everyone can enjoy a good breakfast and ensure that they're ready to go by the departure time.

Slumber Party Theme – The Sleeping Chamber

Float lots of balloons in pastel colors around the room. Use streamers in the same or matching colors as the balloons, and hang them from the ceiling, in doorways, and on the mantle. Put up lots of glow in the dark stars and planets on the ceiling of the room the children will be sleeping in. They'll love seeing the night sky when it's finally bed time. Rent or buy plenty of movies for partygoers to enjoy. Ask your guest of honor what they'd like to show, or get input from the guest of honor and all of the guests they'll be inviting. If nobody can settle on a selection, pick some Disney or Pixar movies as a safe bet.

Sleepy Time Snacks

Have lots of snacks available. Popcorn, chips, pretzels, bowls of M&M's, cut up fruit and vegetables with dip, and cookies are all quick, easy, and appeal to most children. Make a big batch of pancakes, and let your guests make smiley faces on them. Cans of whipped cream, chocolate chips, cut up fruits, chocolate syrup, coconut, and anything else you can think of that can be used to make a face. Set up a waffle bar. Make a large batch of homemade waffles, and set up a toppings bar. Include syrup, cinnamon and sugar, whipped cream, berries, nuts, chocolate chips, and cherries. Let each partygoer create their own masterpiece.

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