

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Jolynn sounds like a mixture of two parents, Joe and Lynn, but it actually has a lot more history. It comes from the root name Joanna.

Meaning of the name Jolynn

Middle Latin: God is gracious
French: beautiful

Origin of the name Jolynn

Jolynn comes from the Greek name Ioannes, derived from the Hebrew word Yehanan.

Symbolism of the name Jolynn

Jolynn is a joyous person with a positive attitude. She is a natural, youthful person, whose age never shows. Jolynn is good at providing a relaxed atmosphere. She is creative, expressive, humanitarian, and helpful. She is always loved by friends and family. Joslyn seeks to have adventures in life and always craves to discover new things. By nature she survives through all problems, is courageous, and optimistic.

Style of the name Jolynn


Gender of the name Jolynn

Jolynn is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Jolynn


Number of syllables in the name Jolynn


Emotion evoked from the name Jolynn

Generosity, creativity, and humility. Joselyn is inventive, tolerant, and spiritual. She can also be a little boastful with a daydreaming attitude.

Alternative spellings for the name Jolynn

Nicknames for the name Jolynn

Popularity of the name Jolynn

Jolynn started to get popular around the year 1950. It stayed steady through the year 1975 and then started to climb. The popularity rose to its highest point in the early 2000s.

Related names for the name Jolynn

Great middle names for Jolynn and their meanings

  • Casey (vigilant)
  • Derica (gifted ruler)
  • Paige (attendant)
  • Elizabeth (God is my oath)
  • Tessa (one who harvests)
  • Hailey (hay’s meadow)
  • Ashe (ash tree)
  • Day (light)
  • Jenae (God has answered)

Famous people with the name Jolynn

  • Jolynn Wilkinson (motorsports racing driver)
  • Jolynn Carpenter (actress)
  • Jolynn Garnes (film editor)
  • Jolynn Nieto (makeup artist)

Jolynn’s in popular culture

There are no Jolynns in popular culture.

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