

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names



Baby Girl Names H


Tessa is a Dutch and English girl’s baby name that means “to reap, to gather.” Originally a diminutive of the name Theresa, Tessa has been growing in popularity since the mid 1960’s and peaked at #190 on the list in 2007.

Meaning and Origin of the name Tessa:

Tessa is an English name of Greek origin meaning “to reap” or “to gather.”

Tessa is an English girl’s name that is derived from the Greek name Theresa. Theresa may have derived from the Greek word therízō (meaning “to harvest or reap”) or from theros (meaning “summer”). Because Tessa is a diminutive of Theresa, it means “to reap” or “to gather.”

Symbolism of the name Tessa:

Tessa means “to reap, to gather” and references the act of harvesting. Harvest is one of the most important seasons of the year when crops are gathered and put away to weather the winter ahead.

Nicknames for the name Tessa:

You have some options when you are looking for a nickname for Tessa. We have put together the list below to help you find the right nickname for your daughter. There are only a few options, but you are sure to find a cute nickname that fits your daughter's personality.

baby name Tessa

Style of the name Tessa:


Gender of the name Tessa:

Tessa is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Tessa:


Number of syllables in the name Tessa:


Emotion evoked from the name Tessa:

Tessa evokes feelings of warmth and friendliness.

Alternative spellings for the name Tessa:

  • Tehsa
  • Tesa
  • Thesa

Popularity of the name Tessa:

According to the Social Security Administration, Tessa is a baby girl’s name that has been popular since the 1960’s. It was at peak popularity at #190 in 2007.

Great middle names for the name Tessa and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Tessa:

  • Tessa Lynne Thompson (American actress)
  • Tessa Rumsey (American poet)
  • Tessa Virtue (Canadian Olympic ice dancer)
  • Tessa Grady (American actress)
  • Tessa Bonhomme (Canadian ice hockey player)
  • Theresa “Tessa” Gray (literature, Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare)
  • Tessa O'Connell (literature, The Bad Boy Series by Blair Holden)
  • Tessa Altman (television, “Suburgatory”)
  • Tessa Noël (television, “Highlander: The Series”)
  • Tessa Young (literature, The After Series by Anna Todd)
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