

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Nereida is the kind of name that automatically conjures a certain image. There's a degree of magic here, to be sure, as well as a degree of the exotic. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Nereida:

Greek: Sea nymph

Origin of the name Nereida:

Nereida is a name of Greek origin that roughly translates to “sea nymph”.

Symbolism of the name Nereida:

Nereida tends to symbolize a playful but somewhat otherworldly nature for those who choose this name.

Style of the name Nereida:

Traditional, classic.

Gender of the name Nereida:

Nereida is almost exclusively used as a name for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Nereida:


Number of syllables in the name Nereida:


Emotion evoked from the name Nereida:

Nereida tends to evoke emotions of happiness and curiosity, as well as wonder.

Alternative spellings for the name Nereida:

  • Nereeda
  • Nierieda
  • Narieda

Nicknames for the name Nereida:

Popularity of the name Nereida:

According to the Social Security Administration, Nereida has only ranked as one of the the most popular baby girl names in the United States once, when it was at rank 986 in 1981.

Related names for the name Nereida:

Great middle names for Nereida and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Nereida:

Nereidas in popular culture:

  • Nereida (character, “What Happened to Santiago?”)
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