

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names



Baby Boy Name Lists Letters A to G


When you hear the name Shakur, you may first think of its use as a surname, as seen with Tupac Shakur. This option is a powerful first name as well though, dating back to ancient Arabic times as a title for Allah. Though not a top 1,000 name, it is just over a top 4,000 option.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Shakur:

The baby name Shakur is an ancient Arabic name. In the Quran, al-Shakur is one of the many names listed for the Islam god, Allah. Shakur comes from the Arabic word “shakara”. The name means “thankful” in Arabic. In modern times, the name is closely associated with rapper Tupac Shakur.

Symbolism of the Name Shakur:

Shakur, as mentioned, is a variation of the Arabic word “shakara”. “Shakara” translates to “to thank” in English.

Nicknames for the Name Shakur:

Shakur is a traditional name with a modern feel due to its association with Tupac Shakur. There are a number of nicknames that go with this name, including some that feel very modern. Check them out:

  • Shak
  • Sha
  • Kur
  • Shaks
  • Sha Sha
  • Haks
  • Akur
  • Hakur
  • Shas
  • Shaks
  • Shake

Style of the Name Shakur:


Gender of the Name Shakur:

Shakur is a unique name for boys.

Pronunciation of the Name Shakur:


Number of Syllables in the Name Shakur:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Shakur:

Shakur feels refined with an urban twist. It has a regality to it, however, when considering the godly origins.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Shakur:

  • Shakir
  • Shaker
  • Shakeur

Popularity of the Name Shakur:

Shakur is not a top 1,000 baby name in America. The name did grow in popularity for a short time, however, due to Tupac Shakur. As of 2021, Shakur is at rank 4,273.

Great Middle Names for Shakur and Their Meanings:

  • Abdul (servant of God)
  • Roman (strong, powerful, citizen of Rome)
  • Nazir (observant, spectator)
  • Abraham (father of a multitude)
  • Jamal (beauty)
  • Rashid (wise, judicious, rightly-guided)
  • Kalil (good friend)
  • Jericho (city of the moon)

Famous People with the Name Shakur:

There are no fictional characters or popular culture references to the baby name Shakur.

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