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Slavic Baby Names

Slavic Baby Names

Slavic Baby Names

The Slavic people hail from the Ukraine, Belarus, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia and beyond. In short, they are a far-reaching population from many lands. Just as diverse as their lands of origin is the array of Slavic baby names. Below is a list that illustrates the colorful options available — from Elya to Luka to Sable and beyond. Take a look!

RELATED: Slavic Baby Names for Boys AND Slavic Baby Names for Girls

  • Ala Ala is a gender-neutral baby name with Slavic origins. It can mean “defending men”, “excellence”, “esteem”, or “fragrance”.
  • Alexi Meaning “defender of the people”, Alexi is a gender neutral Slavic baby name.
  • Artem In the Slavic language, Artem is the diminutive form of the name Artemis. It means either “butcher” or “safe”.
  • Beba Beba is the Bosnian word for “baby”. It is gender neutral and has roots within the Slavic languages.
  • Brencis This Slavic baby name – which is gender neutral – means “crowned with laurel”.
  • Bunda With its roots in Serbian and Slavic languages, Bunda means “one with a fur coat” or “a vest made of sheep's skin”. This name is gender neutral.
  • Charyton Charyton is primarily used as an East Slavic gender neutral baby name, although it is more commonly used for girls. It means “beauty” or “grace”.
  • Duscha Duscha is a Slavic baby name. In Russia, it is mainly used for girls and means “happy”. It can also mean “divine spirit” and be used for boys.
  • Elya Elya is a gender neutral Slavic baby name that has been popularized by the likes of the actor Elya Baskin and the songwriter Elya Finn. It means “The Lord is My God” and is a strong choice for a religious family.
  • Estonia Geographically, Estonia is a northeastern European country that borders along the Baltic Sea. The name itself relates to Aesti, initially described by the Roman historian Tacitus circa 98 AD. Tacitus might have referring to Balts (non-Finnic-speaking Estonians)or the entirety of the Eastern Baltic region. Early sources of the name come in the form of the Scandinavian sagas referring to Eistland. The toponym Estland/Eistland dreives from Old Scandinavian words “eist” or “austr” (meaning “the east”). As a baby name, it means “Land of the East”.
  • FlorianFlorian is the masculine derivative of Flora, a clan name stemming from Ancient Rome. This name, which can be unisex these days, means “flower”.
  • Ja Ja is a simple unisex name that, in Serbian and Slavic, means “me”.
  • Janika Janika is a gender-neutral Slavic baby name meaning “God is gracious”. It is essentially the Slavic version or John or Jane.
  • KarliMeaning “free man (or woman)”, Karli is a gender neutral name that has its roots in Latin, Greek, and Old Germanic languages. It crops up in Slavic countries today but is not widely used.
  • LukaLuka (pronounced LOO-kuh) is a gender neutral way of saying “person from Lucania, Italy”. Although originally Italian, this name gets used in Slavic countries.
  • Mateja Pronounced MA-tay-uh, Mateja is a unisex name used throughout Slavic countries. It is similar to Mateus, Mateo, and Mata.
  • Muncel Muncel is most commonly found as a rather unpopular American surname, but it is also a Romanian place name and a gender-neutral baby name in Slavic countries.
  • Nikita – Nikita (pronounced NIH-kee-tuh) stems from the Greek name for the goddess Nike, who personified victory. The name means “unconquered” and was popularized by the 1990s movie and TV show titled La Femme Nikita. Though more commonly used for girls, it is also used for boys.
  • Niko Niko is similar to the name Nikita. It derives from Greek mythology but is also used in Finland and the Slavic countries as a unisex name that means “people of victory”.
  • NoahWith roots stemming from Slavic to Danish, the name Noah is mostly used for boys. However, it is also used for girls. It can mean “relaxation”, “restful”, “harmony”, or “calm”.
  • Ondrea Ondrea is a unisex Slavic name that can mean either “manly” or “womanly”.
  • Royko is the Anglicized spelling of the Croatian surname Rojko. It is also a surname, made known by Chicago newspaper columnist Mike Royko. It has an indeterminate meaning.
  • Sable Sable is a Slavic unisex name meaning “black”. It is also a word that refers to the highly sought-after dark-brown (nearly black) colored fur.
  • Troian – Made popular in recent years by Pretty Little Liars actress Troian Bellisario, Troian might mean “of Troy”. However, it most likely stems from a Slavic name meaning “triad” or “trinity”.
  • Verdell As a unisex version of the feminine name Vera, Verdell means “truth”. It has its origins in Latin and Slavic.

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