

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




The baby name Cadance is a spelling variation of the more popular version, Cadence. It dates back to a musical word that represents the beat of a song. This rhythmic option is only a top 14,000 option at rank 13,917.

Meaning of the name Cadance:

Latin: rhythm, beat
English: rhythm, beat

Origin of the name Cadance:

Cadance is a spelling variation of the baby name Cadence. Cadence first became a name in the twentieth century in America. It rose in popularity due to musical parents who wanted to create something unique for their daughters. It comes from the word “cadence,” which is a musical term.

Symbolism of the name Cadance:

The baby name Cadance means “rhythm” or “beat” in Latin and English. As mentioned, this option comes from a musical term. It dates back to classical Latin culture, representing the “rhythm” or “beat” of a song.

Style of the name Cadance:


Gender of the name Cadance:

Cadance is an outgoing name for girls.

Pronunciation of the name Cadance:


Number of syllables in the name Cadance:


Emotion evoked from the name Cadance:

Cadance is a spunky and entertaining name for girls. It has an upbeat and fun feel.

Alternative spellings for the name Cadance:

Nicknames for the name Cadance:

  • Cad
  • Cade
  • Cay
  • Dance
  • Dancer
  • Cece
  • Caydie

Popularity of the name Cadance:

Cadance is not a top 1,000 baby name in America. It has no records on the Social Security Popularity Index. As of 2021, it is a top 14,000 option for girls. Cadance specifically is number 13,917.

Related names for the name Cadance:

Great middle names for Cadance and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Cadance:

There are no famous people with the baby name Cadance.

Cadances in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters that use the name Cadance.

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