

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Camden is a modern baby name that was at peak popularity in 2013. Camden comes from an Old English/Scottish surname that means “winding or enclosed valley”. Camden is part of the trend of boy’s names ending in -den that were popular in the early 2010’s.

Meaning of the name Camden:

English: winding valley, enclosed valley

Origin of the name Camden:

Camden is a modern English baby name that derives from an Old English or Scottish location surname meaning “winding or enclosed valley”.

Symbolism of the name Camden:

The winding valleys of northern England and Scotland are where the name Camden comes from. Valleys are lush ecosystems with diverse animal and plant life that were frequently used for farming.

Style of the name Camden:


Gender of the name Camden:

Camden is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Camden:


Number of syllables in the name Camden:


Emotion evoked from the name Camden:

Camden evokes feelings of intelligence and strength.

Alternative spellings for the name Camden:

Kamden, Camdyn

Nicknames for the name Camden:

  • Cam 
  • Den
  • Denny
  • Cammy

Popularity of the name Camden:

According to the Social Security Administration, Camden is a modern baby boy’s name that first became popular in 1990. Camden peaked in popularity at #99 in 2013 and has fallen to #167 as of 2020.

Related names for the name Camden:

Great middle names for the name Camden and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Camden:

  • Camden Joy (American author)
  • Camden Toy (American actor)
  • Camden Sparks (son of actor/comedian Hal Sparks)
  • Camden Gunderson (son of singer Eric Gunderson)

Camdens in popular culture:

  • Camden Farebrother (literature, “Middlemarch “ by George Elliot)
  • Camden Lahey (television, “Teen Wolf”)
  • Camden Yards (Baltimore Orioles baseball field)
  • Camden, New South Wales (city in Australia)
  • The Camden Family (television, “7th Heaven”)
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