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Dacia is a name that carries with it a great deal of history. Though not terribly common, it nonetheless resonates a great deal with many. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Dacia:

Dacia comes from the Latin name for the province of Dacia, which is in modern-day Romania. In modern times, the name Dacia still refers to the province. Parents may find additional meaning through where they discovered the name.

Symbolism of the Name Dacia:

Dacia tends to symbolize the place of origin of a family, particularly among Romanian immigrants.

Nicknames for the Name Dacia:

Dacia is an uncommon and traditional name to give to a baby girl. If this is the name you've decided on, you'll want to know about all of the nicknames that can be derived from Dacia:

  • Day
  • Day-Day
  • Sha
  • Sha-Sha
  • Sasha 
  • Dee
  • Da
  • Dee-Dee
  • Dac
  • Cia
  • Aci
  • Days
  • Daia

Style of the Name Dacia:


Gender of the Name Dacia:

Dacia is almost always used as a name for baby girls, though historically it was also used as a unisex identifier for where a child came from.

Pronunciation of the Name Dacia:


Number of Syllables in the Name Dacia:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Dacia:

Dacia tends to evoke emotions of curiosity and wonder, generally centered on the exotic nature of the name.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Dacia:

Popularity of the Name Dacia:

According to the Social Security Administration, the name Dacia has not been on record as one of the most popular names for baby girls in the United States since statistics were first kept in 1900.

Great Middle Names for Dacia and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Dacia:

  • Dacia Arcaráz (actress)
  • Dacia Maraini (writer)
  • Dacia Grayber (politician)
  • Automobile Dacia (a famous Romanian auto brand)
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