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Garnet is one of the popular gemstone names, including Ruby, Pearl, and Jade. The name likely is the same as that of the birthstone, but there is a chance that it could have once been a surname in England. In either case, however, Garnet was a top 500 name in the early twentieth century.

Meaning of the name Garnet:

English: a red, semi-precious gem
French: pomegranate

Origin of the name Garnet:

Garnet likely comes from the English word that is the same which represents a precious stone. The word “garnet” comes from the Old English “gernet” which means “dark red.” Some believe, however, that the name Garnet comes from a surname that was the same, originated from the Norman name Guarin after the invasion of England.

Symbolism of the name Garnet:

The baby name Garnet means “a red, semi-precious gem” in English because it is likely a name based on the gemstone. In French, many associated this gemstone with the pomegranate fruit because of its bright red colors.

Style of the name Garnet:


Gender of the name Garnet:

Garnet is a name popular for girls, though rarely, boys use it.

Pronunciation of the name Garnet:


Number of syllables in the name Garnet:


Emotion evoked from the name Garnet:

Garnet feels strong and upper class. It is a formal baby name for boys or girls.

Alternative spellings for the name Garnet:

  • Garnette
  • Garnett
  • Garnnet
  • Garnnett
  • Garnnette

Nicknames for the name Garnet:

  • Netti
  • Nettie
  • Netty
  • Gar
  • Garn
  • GG

Popularity of the name Garnet:

Garney is not as popular as names like Ruby and Pearl. The last year it was on the Social Security Popularity Index was 1944 at rank 956. Garnet was most popular, however, in 1907 at rank 405.

Related names for the name Garnet:

Great middle names for Garnet and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Garnet:

  • Garnet Wolseley (Irish field marshall)
  • Garnet Rogers (folk musician)
  • Garnet Malley (WW1 flying ace)
  • Garnet Bailey (hockey player)

Garnets in popular culture:

  • Garnet Linden (character from “Thimble Summer”)
  • Garnet (character from “Steven Universe”)
  • Garnet Hubbard (character from “Semiprecious”)
  • Garnet Alexandros XVII (Dagger from “Final Fantasy IX” video game)
  • Garnet Bowen (character from “I Like it Here”)
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