

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names


Middle Names



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Janice is classic, girly, and ready to make a comeback. Janice is your jam if you're looking for a baby name that's unique because of its timeless appeal. Keep reading to learn more about why Janice just works!

Meaning and Origin of the name Janice:

Janice is a girl's name of Hebrew origin that means “graced by God.”

Janice is a longer version of the name Jane, wish is the feminine version of John. Janice is also considered a feminine version of John. John comes from the Hebrew name Yohanan (meaning “graced by God”) or Yehohanan (meaning “God is gracious”).

Nicknames for the name Janice:

Nicknames are a fun and sweet way to bond with your child. Choosing the best nickname for your baby is very personal. We compiled the list below of cute nicknames you can use for Janice.

Style of the name Janice:


Gender of the name Janice:

Janice is a feminine version of John.

Pronunciation of the name Janice:


Syllables in the name Janice:


Emotion evoked from the name Janice:

The name Janice has a real “throwback” vibe that makes it so fresh and fun!

Alternative spellings for the name Janice:

  • Janis 
  • Jannice
  • Janise
  • Janyce

Popularity of the name Janice:

According to the Social Security Administration index, Janice made the list of the top 1,000 baby names every year from 1900 to 2009. The name was among the top 50 for much of that time!

Janiche, Janicke, Janike, Janeese, Jeanice.

Great middle names for Janice and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Janice:

  • Janice Bolland (American cyclist)
  • Janice Dickinson (supermodel)
  • Janice Maurine Pennington (model from “The Price is Right”)

Janices in movies/pop culture:

  • Janice Battersby (character from “Coronation Street”)
  • Janice Hosenstein (iconic character from “Friends”)
  • Janice Lincoln (super villainess in the Marvel universe)
  • Janice Soprano (character from “The Sopranos”)
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