Lane is a simple and straightforward baby boy name. If any name denotes walking one's own path with confidence, Lane is the obvious choice. Lane Coutell is a main character in the classic collegiate tale by J. D. Salinger, and Lane Pryce is the memorable executive on television's Mad Men. Keep reading to learn more about this name.
Meaning and Origin of the name Lane:
Lane is a boy's name of English origin meaning “small roadway” or “path.”
Lane derives from the Old English lane or lanu (meaning “roadway” or “avenue”). It is also closely related to the Old Norse lǫn (meaning “row of houses”).
Symbolism of the name Lane:
Lane originates from an Old English word that means “roadway,” “avenue,” or “path.” As a given name, Lane symbolizes life choices, free will, and the path to enlightenment. The coat of arms for the Lane surname includes the lion to symbolize courage in the path of adversity.
Nicknames for the name Lane:
Lane is a distinguished boy's name that is also sweet-sounding. Even though this is a short name, you have a few options for nicknames. Take a look at the list we put together of possible nicknames. This list will help you find the right nickname for your baby boy.

Style of the name Lane:
Gender of the name Lane:
Lane is both a boy's and a girl's name, though it's more common for boys.
Pronunciation of the name Lane:
Number of syllables in the name Lane:
Emotion evoked from the name Lane:
The name Lane evokes feelings of directness and adventure.
Alternative spellings for the name Lane:
Popularity of the name Lane:
According to the Social Security Administration index, Lane was the 256th most popular baby boy name. Lane has ranked in the top 300 baby boy names since 2014.
Related names for the name Lane:
Great middle names for Lane and their meanings:
- Alistair (defender of men)
- Christopher (bearer of Christ)
- Connor (lover of hounds, hunter, wise)
- Edward (wealthy guardian)
- Francisco (Frenchman, free man)
- Godfrey (God's peace)
- James (supplanter)
- Sebastian (venerable, honorable)
- Tobias (God is good)
- Wyatt (brave)
Famous people with the name Lane:
- Lane Weston Adams (baseball player)
- Lane Anderson Carson (attorney)
- Lane Toran Caudell (voice actor)
- Lane Allen Evans (congressman)
- Lane Clyde Frost (bull rider))
- Lane Edward Garrison (actor)
- Lane Monte Kiffin (football coach)
- Lane Douglas Lambert (ice hockey player)
- Lane Dominick Taylor (football player)
Lane in popular culture:
- Lane Alexander (character in the sitcom Victorious)
- Lane Dugan (character in the television series The Days)
- Lane Meyer (character in the film Better Off Dead)
- Lane Pryce (character in the period drama Mad Men)
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