

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Connor is a baby name that has remained popular since 1992. Meaning “lover of wolves or hounds”, Connor is a good choice for a baby in a family of animal lovers.

Meaning of the name Connor:

Gaelic Irish: lover of wolves or hounds

Origin of the name Connor:

Connor of Gaelic Irish origin derived from the name Conchobhar. There are many figures in Irish history and mythology with the name Connor.

Symbolism of the name Connor:

In Celtic mythology, the wolf was a symbol of a valiant warrior. Wolves were respected for their hunting prowess and often depicted as respected companions of the gods. Similarly, hounds were valued as boon companions.

Style of the name Connor:


Gender of the name Connor:

Connor is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Connor:


Number of syllables in the name Connor:


Emotion evoked from the name Connor:

Connor evokes feelings of respect and honesty.

Alternative spellings for the name Connor:

Conor, Conner, Konnor

Nicknames for the name Connor:

Popularity of the name Connor:

According to the Social Security Administration, Connor is a consistently popular boy’s name that has remained in the top 100 names for boys since 1992.

Related names for the name Connor:

Great middle names for the name Connor and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Connor:

  • Connor Jacobus (American musician, “ The Districts”)
  • Connor Thomas Barth (American football player)
  • Connor Neil Ralph Wickham (English footballer)
  • Connor Samuel John Ball (British musician, “The Vamps”)
  • Connor Paolo (American actor)

Connors in popular culture:

  • Connor MacLeod (film, “The Highlander”)
  • Connor Kenway (video games, “Assassin’s Creed III Black Flag”)
  • Connor Kent aka Superboy (DC comics)
  • Connor Rhodes (television, “Chicago Med”)
  • Connor Jordan (television, “The Vampire Diaries”)
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