

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Oleta is a baby girl’s name of English origin. From Old English, Oleta means “winged one”. From Greek, Oleta is an alternative spelling of Aleta and derives from Althea which means “truth”. Oleta is a Southern belle classic that was popular in the early 20th century but hasn’t returned to popularity with other vintage classics.

Meaning of the name Oleta:

English: winged one, truth

Origin of the name Oleta:

Oleta is a baby girl’s name of Old English origin that means “winged one”. It is also a variation of the name Aleta and is derived from the Greek name Althea which means “truth”.

baby name Oleta


Symbolism of the name Oleta:

Oleta means “winged one” and likely refers to certain types of birds. Birds are often symbols of freedom, wisdom, and communication.

Style of the name Oleta:


Gender of the name Oleta:

Oleta is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the name Oleta:


Number of syllables in the name Oleta:


Emotion evoked from the name Oleta:

Oleta evokes feelings of beauty and grace.

Alternative spellings for the name Oleta:

Aleta, Olehta

Nicknames for the name Oleta:

Popularity of the name Oleta:

According to the Social Security Administration, Oleta is a popular baby girl’s name. Oleta was in the top 1000 baby names from 1901 to 1942. It peaked at #421 in 1915.

Related names for the name Oleta:

Great middle names for the name Oleta and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Oleta:

  • Oleta Adams (American singer)
  • Oleta James (American musician)
  • Oleta Kirk Abrams (American activist)
  • Oleta Crain (American activist)

Oleta in popular culture:

  • Oleta River State Park (state park in Florida)
  • Oleta (media, “Within the Wires”)
  • Oleta (video games, “Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion”)
  • Oleta (video games, “Elder Scrolls Online”)
  • Oleta (former name of Fiddlestown, CA)
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