

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names



Baby Boy Names V


When you hear the name Rolland, you may first think of the character from “Schitt's Creek.” Rolland dates back to Medieval France. It is a spelling variation of Roland, a French hero from “La Chanson de Roland.”

Meaning and Origin of the name Rolland:

Rolland is a boy's name of German origin meaning “famous land,” “from the famous land,” or “renowned land.”

Rolland is a spelling variation of Roland, the original. It comes from the Germanic words hrod (meaning “fame”) and land. There is a theory that land was derived from the Frankish word nand (meaning “brave” or “daring”). Roland and its spelling variations became popular in France, and eventually throughout the world, because of a character in “La Chanson de Roland.” He was a legendary hero in France.

Symbolism of the name Rolland:

Rolland means “famous land.” There is also a theory that part of the name came from the Frankish word nand, which means brave. Rolland therefore is a chivalric name making it associated with the symbols of knightly valor and bravery.

Nicknames for the name Rolland:

Rolland is a stoic name for boys. Many of the nicknames are cute and give a nice balance to the stoic and strong feel to the name. To help you find the best nickname for your baby, we put together this list of great nicknames for the name Rolland.

  • Rolly
  • Rolli
  • Roll
  • Rolo
  • Landy
  • Landie

Style of the name Rolland:


Gender of the name Rolland:

Rolland is a wholesome name for boys.

Pronunciation of the name Rolland:


Number of syllables in the name Rolland:


Emotion evoked from the name Rolland:

Rolland is a mature and strong baby name. It is kindhearted and refined.

Alternative spellings for the name Rolland:

  • Roland 
  • Rowland
  • Rowlland
  • Roeland
  • Roelland
  • Rolannd
  • Rollannd

Popularity of the name Rolland:

Rolland remained on the Social Security Popularity Index in America until 1966 when it was number 967. Rolland was a top 400 option from 1925 to 1931, 1933, 1934, and 1937. It did best in 1928 at rank 353. As of 2021, it is a top 8,600 option.

Great middle names for Rolland and their meanings:

  • Barnaby (son of consolation)
  • Thaddeus (courageous heart)
  • Arthur (bear-like, noble, courageous)
  • Spencer (steward, administrator)
  • Bennett (blessed)
  • Everett (wild boar, hardy, brave, strong)
  • Marius (man of the sea)
  • Pierce (son of Peter)

Famous people with the name Rolland:

There are no famous people with the name Rolland.

  • Rolland Dupain (character from “Pooh's Adventures”)
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