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Baby Names




Sloan is a less common spelling of the baby name Sloane. Both names have become top 1,000 baby names for girls over the last decade or two and continue to make their way up the list. Sloan is short and sweet, and it isn't overly feminine. It sounds great with more current middle names too, like Everly, Harlow, and Winter.

Meaning of the name Sloan:

Irish: Warrior

Origin of the name Sloan:

Sloan is derived from the Irish surname, Sloane, which means “warrior.”

Symbolism of the name Sloan:

Sloan is a great name to honor your Irish or Gaelic roots. Because of its meaning, you may see it as a symbol that your child will grow up to be strong and courageous.

Style of the name Sloan:


Gender of the name Sloan:

Sloan is a great name for both boys and girls.

Pronunciation of the name Sloan:


Number of syllables in the name Sloan:


Emotion evoked from the name Sloan:

The baby name Sloan evokes images of someone who is smart and loves adventure.

Alternative spellings for the name Sloan:

  • Sloane 
  • Sloanne
  • Sloann
  • Siloan
  • Siloane

Nicknames for the name Sloan:


Popularity of the name Sloan:

According to the Social Security Administration, Sloan has been a top 1,000 baby name for girls in the United States since 2011. It last ranked at number 663 in 2020.

Related names for the name Sloan:

Great middle names for Sloan and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Sloan:


Sloans in popular culture:

  • Sloan McQuewick (character on the TV show “Entourage”)
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