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When you hear the baby name Taurus, you may first think of the zodiac sign. Taurus became a name option in America, however, in the 1970s. As of 2021, however, Taurus is a top 5,000 baby name.

Meaning and Origin of the name Taurus:

Taurus is a great name for boys and girls. It has Latin origins and means “the bull.”

The baby name Taurus comes from the astrological sign of the same name. It dates back to Greek mythology, as Taurus is associated with Zeus. According to legend, he assumed the form of a white bull to kidnap Europa. In the United States, Taurus became a popular name in the late twentieth century.

Symbolism of the name Taurus:

Taurus means “the bull” because of the zodiac sign. Remember, Zeus turned into a bull to draw his mistress, Europa, to himself. It may be this story that created the name of the astrological sign.

Nicknames for the name Taurus:

Taurus has many options for nicknames. Some nicknames may seem more feminine than others and may not feel fitting for a little boy. Look over the list of nicknames below. With so many options, you are sure to find the right one for your baby boy or girl.

  • Bull
  • Taur
  • Russ
  • Taurie
  • Tauri
  • Taury
  • Tay
  • Tay Tay

Style of the name Taurus:


Gender of the name Taurus:

Though it sounds aggressive, Taurus is a unisex baby name. It is more popular among boys, however.

Pronunciation of the name Taurus:


Number of syllables in the name Taurus:


Emotion evoked from the name Taurus:

Taurus feels strong and aggressive. It has a modern and naturalistic sound too.

Alternative spellings for the name Taurus:

  • Tarus
  • Taurhus
  • Tawrhus
  • Tawrus
  • Tarhus

Popularity of the name Taurus:

Taurus was a top 1,000 baby name in the 1970s. It became number 852 in 1973, leaving the list after 1978 when it was at rank 868. Taurus ranked highest in 1976 at 784. As of 2021, Taurus is a top 500 option at number 4,499.

Great middle names for Taurus and their meanings:

  • Fabian (bean, of the Fabius family)
  • Slade (small valley, from the valley)
  • Wesley (west meadow)
  • Dexter (right-handed, fortunate)
  • Hailey (hay's meadow)
  • Gemma (precious stone, gem)
  • Freya (a noble woman)
  • Esme (esteemed, loved)

Famous people with the name Taurus:

There are no celebrities with the baby name Taurus.

  • Taurus (name of a car made by Ford)
  • Taurus (character from “Antony and Cleopatra” by Shakespeare)
  • Taurus (zodiac sign)
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