

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names



Smiling Baby Boy Lying On Tummy At Home


Angelo is a baby boy’s name that means “angel, messenger”. Angelo has remained consistently popular since 1900, ranking in the 200-400 range for nearly the entire century. Despite consistent popularity, Angelo manages not to sound dated or old fashioned.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Angelo:

Angelo is a Greek baby boy’s name that means “angel, messenger”. Angelo comes from the Latin name Angelus and the Latin term “angelos”. The name can also mean “messenger of God”. Although the name has Greek origins, it is popular in Italy. Angelo experienced a surge in popularity after musician Adele gave the name to her child.

Symbolism of the Name Angelo:

Angelo as a name refers to angels. Angels are the servants and messengers of God in the Hebrew Bible. Angels are symbols of guidance, protection, knowledge, and wisdom.

Nicknames for the Name Angelo:

Every name needs a nickname! If Angelo is the name you've picked for your baby boy, you'll want to consider what nickname you want to go with it. We've collected a bunch of great options here for you to look at:

  • Angel 
  • Gel
  • Angie 
  • Ang
  • Angelino
  • Gello
  • Elo
  • Andy
  • Ange
  • A.G.
  • Angels
  • Geo
  • Lo
  • Gee
  • Angelio
  • Angelmo

Style of the Name Angelo:


Gender of the Name Angelo:

Angelo is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the Name Angelo:


Number of Syllables in the Name Angelo:


Emotion Evoked from the Name Angelo:

Angelo evokes feelings of honor and beauty.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Angelo:

Angielo, Anghelo, Engelo

Popularity of the Name Angelo:

According to the Social Security Administration, Angelo is a popular boy’s name. Angelo has been in the top 1000 baby names since 1900 and has remained consistently popular. As of 2022, it ranks at number 313 for boys.

Great Middle Names for the Name Angelo and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Angelo:

  • Angelo Badalamenti (American film composer)
  • Angelo F. Taylor (American Olympic hurdler)
  • Angelo John Poffo (American pro wrestler)
  • Angelo Dundee (American boxing trainer)
  • Angelo Mosca (American CFL player and pro wrestler)
  • Angelo Sorrento (television, “Switched at Birth”)
  • Angelo (television, “The Pretender”)
  • Angelo Esposito (film, “The Flyboys”)
  • Angelo (video game, “Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King”)
  • Angelo Lagusa (television, “91 Days”)
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