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Barron is a name that brings to mind royalty, yet its origins are different than you might think. Regardless of its origins, though, the name does seem quite impressive. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Barron:

Scots: Small landholder

Origin of the name Barron:

Barron is a name of Scottish origin that derives from the Scots term “baron”, which refers to a small landholder.

Symbolism of the name Barron:

Barron is a name that symbolizes both a connection to Scottish identity as well as an attempt to connect a child with status and respect.

Style of the name Barron:


Gender of the name Barron:

Barron is a name given almost exclusively to male children.

Pronunciation of the name Barron:


Number of syllables in the name Barron:


Emotion evoked from the name Barron:

Barron tends to evoke emotions that surround respect for an individual due to his status.

Alternative spellings for the name Barron:

Nicknames for the name Barron:

Popularity of the name Barron:

According to the Social Security Administration, Barron last ranked on the list of the most popular baby names in the United States in 1971 as the 933rd most popular name for baby boys. The name peaked in popularity in 1966 as the 750th most popular name for baby boys.

Related names for the name Barron:

Great middle names for Barron and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Barron:

  • Barron Field (Australian poet)
  • Barron Hilton (American business owner)
  • Barron Trump (American public figure)

Barrons in popular culture:

  • Barron (Olympic showjumping hourse)
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