

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Cali is typically thought of as a nickname, but it's becoming a given name in its own right. It's been climbing up the list of the top 1,000 baby names for girls in the United States pretty rapidly for the last couple of decades. Expect that to continue as new parents learn to embrace this cute, lighthearted name that evokes images of fun and tranquility.

Meaning and Origin of the Name Cali:

The baby name Cali was most likely derived from the name Calista, which has both Latin and Greek roots. The Greek word “kallista” means “most beautiful”. The Latin word “calix” means “cup”. When people hear this name, they may associate it with the state of California.

Symbolism of the Name Cali:

In Greek mythology, Zeus had an affair with the nymph Callisto, angering his daughter. In order to protect Callisto, he turned her and their son into the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. The constellations are also known as Great Bear and Little Bear, so the name Cali may represent the beauty and the brightness of the stars in the night sky or the personality of a mother bear.

Nicknames for the Name Cali:

Since Cali is a very short name, there aren't a lot of options for nicknames. There are a few options if you're interested, though:

  • Cal
  • Cals
  • California

Style of the Name Cali:

Bohemian, trendy

Gender of the Name Cali:

Cali is a girl's name.

Pronunciation of the Name Cali:


Number of Syllables in the Name Cali:


Emotion Evoked From the Name Cali:

The baby name Cali evokes images of someone who is beautiful, carefree and tranquil.

Alternative Spellings for the Name Cali:

Popularity of the Name Cali:

Cali first made the list of the top 1,000 baby names in the United States in 1997 and has been growing in popularity ever since. As of 2022, it ranks at number 376, according to the Social Security Administration.

Great Middle Names for Cali and Their Meanings:

Famous People with the Name Cali:

  • Cali Timmins (actress)
  • Cali Wilson (singer, reality TV star)
  • Cali Fredrichs (actress)
  • Cali DeWitt (artist, designer and blogger)
  • Cali Carranza (musician)
  • Cali (character on the TV show “Paw Patrol”)
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