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Carsen is an alternative spelling of the baby name Carson. Carson started out as a Scottish surname, but it eventually became a common given name. For most of the 21st century, Carson has been a top 100 baby name for boys in the United States, and Carsen saw some popularity around the late 2000s. The exact meaning of Carsen is unknown, but choose this version if you want a unique twist on a fairly common name.

Meaning of the name Carsen:

Scottish: Son of marsh-dwellers, Why?

Origin of the name Carsen:

Carsen is an alternative spelling of Carson, but its exact origin is unknown. We know it has Scottish roots, and some people believe it means “son of marsh-dwellers,” though we can't find any specific research to back that up. Carson is also the Scottish-Gaelic word for “why?”

Symbolism of the name Carsen:

Carsen doesn't offer much in the way of symbolism. New parents might choose it to honor their Scottish or Gaelic roots.

Style of the name Carsen:

Traditional, Surname as a given name

Gender of the name Carsen:

Carsen is a unisex baby name though more common for boys

Pronunciation of the name Carsen:


Number of syllables in the name Carsen:


Emotion evoked from the name Carsen:

The baby name Carsen evokes images of someone who is very cheerful and easy-going. He always has a smile on his face.

Alternative spellings for the name Carsen:

Nicknames for the name Carsen:

  • Car
  • Cars

Popularity of the name Carsen:

According to the Social Security Administration, Carsen was a top 1,000 baby name for boys in the United States between 2008 and 2010. It ranked at number 995 in 208, 962 i 2009, and 902 in 2010 before falling off the list.

Related names for the name Carsen:

Great middle names for Carsen and their meanings:

  • Thomas (twin)
  • Dylan (son of the sea)
  • Jack (God is gracious)
  • Parker (park keeper)
  • Jacob (supplanter)
  • Luke (man from Lucania)
  • Ellijah (Yahweh is God)
  • Gabriel (God is my strength)
  • Wolf (wolf)

Famous people with the name Carsen:

  • Carsen Edwards (basketball player)
  • Carsen Germyn (ice hockey player)

Carsen in popular culture:


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