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Courtland is a variation of the Dutch surname, Kortland. It only became a given name when the family title migrated to America. Though once a top 1,000 option, Courtland is now only on the top 7,600 list.

Meaning of the name Courtland:

Dutch: short land

Origin of the name Courtland:

Courtland originated from the surname spelled the same. Both come from Cortland, an alternative spelling to the Dutch family name, Kortland. Kortland was a surname in the Netherlands for those individuals who lived in the town of Kortland. It got its name from the Dutch words “kort” and “land.”

Symbolism of the name Courtland:

The baby name Courtland means “short land” because of the surname it dates back to, Kortland. Kortland comes from the Dutch words “kort” and “land.” “Kort” translates to “short,” and “land” means “land.”

Style of the name Courtland:


Gender of the name Courtland:

Courtland is a strong name for boys or girls, but it is more popular among males.

Pronunciation of the name Courtland:


Number of syllables in the name Courtland:


Emotion evoked from the name Courtland:

Courtland is strong and serious. It is a noble name.

Alternative spellings for the name Courtland:

  • Kourtland
  • Cortland
  • Kortland
  • Coartland
  • Koartland

Nicknames for the name Courtland:

  • Court
  • Landie
  • Landy
  • Landi
  • Coco

Popularity of the name Courtland:

Courtland has only been on the Social Security Popularity Index for two years. It was first ranked 973 in 1901. It came back 90 years later, in 1991, at number 990. As of 2021, Courtland is a top 7,600 name at number 7,544.

Related names for the name Courtland:

Great middle names for Courtland and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Courtland:

Courtlands in popular culture:

There are no fictional characters with the baby name Courtland.

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