Graham is a popular traditional baby name. Strong and solid, this name has a celebrated history that spans numerous centuries while seamlessly fitting popular culture today. Graham Hess is the protagonist of the film Signs, and Graham Sandoval is a character on The Client List. Keep reading to learn more about this name.
Meaning and Origin of the name Graham:
Graham is an boy's name of English and Scottish origin meaning “gravely homestead” or “grey home.”
Graham derives from the Old English elements gran (meaning “gravel” or “grey”) and ham (meaning “hamlet” or “homestead”). The word became a surname as well as a place name known as Grantham (in Lincolnshire, England). In addition to England, Graham became a surname in Scotland via the Norman baron William de Graham. Within a few centuries, Graham became a common first name throughout the British Isles. In addition to its use as a given name, Graham was also a popular middle name. Notable examples include Henry Graham Greene and Alexander Graham Bell.
Symbolism of the name Graham:
Graham is an Old English name that means “grey house” or “gravelly homestead.” Anglo-Norman baron William de Graham brought the name to Scotland and founded the Clan Graham. The clan motto is ne oublie (“never forget”), and the clan symbol is the falcon.
Nicknames for the name Graham:
Graham is one of those boy's names that doesn't have many options for nicknames because it's a one syllable name. You do have a few options, however. Take a look at the list below for nicknames that are associated with the name Graham. You may find inspiration from this list to create your own nickname.
- Gram
- Gam
- Gray
- Ham
- Hammie
- GG

Style of the name Graham:
Gender of the name Graham:
Graham is a boy's name.
Pronunciation of the name Graham:
Number of syllables in the name Graham:
Emotion evoked from the name Graham:
The name Graham evokes feelings of geniality and greatness.
Alternative spellings for the name Graham:
- Grahame
- Graeham
- Graeme
- Ghramm
- Greame
Popularity of the name Graham:
According to the Social Security Administration index, Graham was the 184th most popular baby name for boys in 2020. Graham has ranked among the top 200 baby names for boys since 2014.
Related names for the name Graham:
Great middle names for Graham and their meanings:
- Arturo (bear, king, noble)
- Bryson (speckled)
- Emmett (whole, universal, truth)
- Giles (young, youthful)
- Hendrix (home ruler, king)
- Kellan (slender, bright)
- Maxwell (great spring)
- Owen (young warrior, well-born, noble)
- Quincy (fifth, quince tree)
- Tyson (high-spirited, firebrand)
Famous people with the name Graham:
- Graham Robert Thomson Abbey (actor)
- Graham Elliot Bowles (chef)
- Graham Clark Gano (football player)
- Graham Bruce Hancock (writer)
- Graham Patrick Martin (actor)
- Graham William Nash (singer)
- Graham Robert Rahal (race car driver)
- Graham Colin Swift (writer)
- Graham Liston Witherill (son of racing driver Cory Witherill)
- Graham Jonathan Zusi (soccer player)
Graham in popular culture:
- Graham Aker (character in the anime Gundam 00)
- Graham Hawtrey (character in the film The Internship)
- Graham Hess (protagonist of the film Signs)
- Graham Sandoval (character on The Client List)
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