

Baby Boy Names


Baby Names




Efren isn't a name you hear often, but it was a top 1,000 baby name in the United States for several decades. It last made the charts in 2007, which wasn't too long ago, so it could easily make a comeback in the near future. It's got biblical origins and may have meaning to people of both the Jewish and Christian faiths, and it's very popular in Spanish-speaking cultures and countries. Efren pairs well with classic and more modern middle names, ranging from Alexander to Milo.

Meaning of the name Efren:

Hebrew: Fruitful, productive

Origin of the name Efren:

Efren is derived from the Hebrew name Ephraim, which is a biblical name. In the Old Testament, he was the second son of Joseph.

Symbolism of the name Efren:

Because of its association with Christianity and the Bible, parents of that faith may find religious symbolism in the baby name Efren. It also symbolizes someone who is fruitful and has many children.

Style of the name Efren:


Gender of the name Efren:

Efren is a boy's name.

Pronunciation of the name Efren:


Number of syllables in the name Efren:


Emotion evoked from the name Efren:

The baby name Efren evokes images of someone who is curious and enjoys adventure and exploring the great outdoors.

Alternative spellings for the name Efren:

  • Efryn
  • Ephren
  • Ephyrn
  • Efron
  • Ephron

Nicknames for the name Efren:

  • Effy

Popularity of the name Efren:

According to the Social Security Administration, Efren was a top 1,000 baby name for boys between 1966 and 2007. It last ranked at number 977 in 2007.

Related names for the name Efren:

Great middle names for Efren and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Efren:

  • Efren Torres (boxer)
  • Efren Reyes (world champion pool player)
  • Efren Reyes Jr. (actor)
  • Efren Ramirez (actor)
  • Efren Herrera (football player)
  • Efrén Vázquez (motorcycle racer)

Efrens in popular culture:


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