

Baby Girl Names


Baby Names




Jaleesa is certainly a name that stands out in a crowd. It may be surprising to know, though, that the name's origin is ancient. Read on to learn more about this name.

Meaning of the name Jaleesa:

Hebrew: Promise of God

Origin of the name Jaleesa:

Jaleesa is a name of Hebrew origin that means “promise of God”.

Symbolism of the name Jaleesa:

Jaleesa typically symbolizes a parent's deep wish for a child and his or her belief that this baby came about as a sign of God's generosity.

Style of the name Jaleesa:


Gender of the name Jaleesa:

Jaleesa is almost always used as a name for baby girls.

Pronunciation of the name Jaleesa:


Number of syllables in the name Jaleesa:


Emotion evoked from the name Jaleesa:

Jaleesa typically evokes emotions of joy and happiness.

Alternative spellings for the name Jaleesa:

  • Jeleesa
  • Jalisa
  • Jaleeza

Nicknames for the name Jaleesa:

Popularity of the name Jaleesa:

According to the Social Security Administration, Jalees was last ranked as one of the most popular baby names in the United States in 1992, when it was the 793rd most popular name for baby girls. The name peaked in popularity in 1988, when it was the 344th most popular name.

Related names for the name Jaleesa:

Great middle names for Jaleesa and their meanings:

Famous people with the name Jaleesa:

Jaleesas in popular culture:

  • Jaleesa Vinson (character, A Different World)
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